Advanced Behavior using Course Triggers
Getting a Promo Code
Getting a Promo Code
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Video Transcription
Suppose you want to give user certain promotions for purchasing a course. The way to do that is, suppose that the user is going to start the Thor course, and as soon as they start the Thor course, you want them to receive certain promotions. To do that, you can use advanced tools, course trigger, and you can say if you start this course or if you purchase this course, let's just use start, because the purchase action may not be available in every OASIS instance, because the user might have made a purchase somewhere else. But the idea is, it's more reliable to use start this course. So suppose you say if you start this course, then I am going to give you a promo code of say one free MOC. We're going to explain where this one comes from for just a second, but when you click on save, what this is saying is, as soon as users start on this course, I am going to give the user a copy of a promo code that's similar to this, which is a clone of the promotion code. And what the promo code looks like, you have to set it up under the promo code. So here is just an example of a promo code. You can basically say that I am going to give you five courses for free if you start that particular course. So then what happens is, in order for the user to realize that they have received the course, received the promo code, what you want to do is, you want to go to the course, under configuration, under pending completion for example, you can say, please visit my promo code under your account to see the promo code that entitles you to nine free MOC products, for example. So let's see what that will look like. So this user actually was just enrolled in the Thor course, so let's see that. So let's get started. Alright, so this is a very simple course. So let me do this, so we can scroll a little bit. So it's just some HTML, nothing crazy, but what's important here is, there's a message that says, please visit my promo code under your account, which is right here. Oh, actually it's promo code, not my promo code. But anyhow, so they can click on it, then they will see the code, they can use this code, and then they can buy any of these courses. So if I go here, I will be able to make, oh, I already finished this course. Well, if I haven't looked at all these courses, I have already purchased before. But the idea is, I will receive a promo code that is a copy of the promo code in the configuration that allows me to make free purchase, for example. And notice that the trigger is really configured so that you can create a trigger action and trigger effect. So you can sort of mix and match what you want to do.
Video Summary
The video explains how to set up promotions for users who purchase a course. By using advanced tools and a course trigger, you can give users promo codes when they start a specific course. The promo code can be customized to offer different incentives, such as one free MOC or five free courses. To let users know they have received the promo code, you can include a message in the course, directing them to their account where they can find the code. The video also mentions the ability to configure trigger actions and effects for more customization. Credit: The video transcript was provided by an unknown speaker.
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