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Time-based Creditation
Time-based Creditation
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Video Transcription
to have created a course that has a lot of content, so even though I only uploaded five videos, but suppose there's a lot, and you want the user to actually claim credit based on how much time they have spent watching the video instead of just a hard number of, say, 50. So the way that you can do that is you can go to Manage Feature, you scroll down, you go to User Engagement-Based Credit. Notice that when you do this, if you have a post-test, then the time they spent in the test will also count towards the time that they can do credit. But notice now that it says time-based. So it's 60 minutes is equal to one credit and the fraction at this interval. So now, when the user do the course, they will receive credit based on how many minutes they have watched. So what we're gonna do is we're just gonna go through example to show how that works. So what we're gonna do is we're going to probably, we're gonna start the course and then we're going to pause the recording while the user watch the video so that we can see the number of credit that user deserves goes up. I'm just going to start playing the video, pause the recording, and then come back when I have watched enough. So I ended up uploading another video that's over an hour long just so that we can actually get enough hours to make the credit make sense. So here, you will see that at the homepage, it actually tracks that the user has finished two and a half hours and that has claimed up to, they can claim up to 50, but now they can only do three. And that's because 2.9 hours equals to three credit. So this is how you can see that the system restrict the user to only claim the amount of credit based on how much they have engaged in the content. And even if they fast forward through a video of let's say a video is an hour and they fast forward and only spend two minutes, they will only be able to claim the two minutes that they have spent watching, skipping those videos. So it's a fairly good way of equate the number of hours to how long they have spent inside the activity. And then they can actually do the claiming. Obviously, they have to finish the evaluation and then do the little claim. And notice that they can now go to 50 credit, even though the course offers 50 credit, they can only claim up to how much they have spent in the course. So that's a new feature we have added to allow the credit, the user claim, linked to how much time they have spent inside the activity.
Video Summary
This video discusses a new feature that allows users to claim credit for online courses based on the amount of time they spent watching the videos. By enabling User Engagement-Based Credit in the Manage Feature section, users can receive credit for each minute watched, with 60 minutes equal to one credit. The transcript provides an example of how this feature works, including tracking the number of hours completed and the maximum credit that can be claimed. The system ensures users can only claim credit for the time they have engaged with the content, even if they fast forward through some videos. Users must complete an evaluation and then can claim the credit. Overall, this feature helps link the amount of credit earned to the time spent in the course. Credits to the creator of the video are not specified.
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User Engagement-Based Credit
Online Courses
Time Tracking
Credit Claiming
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