Advanced Mechanics for Course Groups
Enabling public link, with option for searching
Enabling public link, with option for searching
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Video Transcription
There are a few mechanics that's available to you when you set up a course group. For example, I'm just going to go to a course group. And there are, for example, a thousand courses in this particular course. So I'm just going to click into it. And then what I'm going to do is, I am going to click on Edit. And I will say that I will make this course group linkable. When I make this group linkable, that means I can create a permalink where the user can see all the courses in this particular course group. So what I will do is, I will say, okay, let's say for example, in-person center underscore CA. In addition, I can say that I will make it private or public. If I make it public, this link is accessible to anybody and everyone. If I make it private, that means the user has to authenticate. And let's just do this and take a look. So keep in mind, I created this link. Now I'm just going to go open a new window. So a few things, right? So first is that notice there isn't a thousand sessions listed. So OASIS will still maintain all the rules that a catalog will obey, such as we don't display any retired courses. We only display public courses. And if you have any private enrollment versus public enrollment courses, we will still obey those rules. Now imagine this is what you have. And you say, you know what? Let's say in my group there's too many of them. And I want a user to be able to search. You can also allow the user to search, let's just say by courses. After you enable search by courses, when you refresh, you'll see that there's a search box and then people can search. For example, I'm looking for the session at North Fresno. Even though there is only five and you can easily find what you need just by eyeballing it, but if your course group have a lot of courses, then adding a search box will be very useful. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video tutorial explains how to set up and manage a course group. After accessing a specific course group, the speaker demonstrates making the group linkable, allowing a permalink to display all courses within the group. The link can be set to public or private, requiring user authentication for private access. The system adheres to catalog rules by not displaying retired courses and differentiates between public and private enrollments. Additionally, users can enable a search function to make it easier to find specific courses within large groups.
course group management
permalink setup
public private access
catalog rules
search function
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