Advanced Mechanics for Evaluation/Post-Survey Repo ...
2 - How to Pull Group Report when the Evaluation/P ...
2 - How to Pull Group Report when the Evaluation/Post-Survey questions are not the same
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for a post-survey. So for example, in this case, I'm just gonna grab the post-survey report instead of the evaluation report. In addition, in this case, you will notice that the post-survey for all the courses in that group actually is not exactly the same. When that happens, OASIS actually tells you what are all the questions that's shared by how many courses. So as you can see, out of the group that has 53 courses, they all have almost, not almost, exactly seven questions that is the same. And then there's the objective question that is the same for 52. And there's one that's different for only one courses. And the likely reason is because it just actually, whoever set up the course, accidentally type in one extra phrase versus objective. And pretend that you say, hey, you know what? I'm just gonna cut it off right here. I only want aggregated report for questions that's shared by all. I can just type in 53 here so that it will actually cut it off here. And then I can run the report. And now what happens is OASIS is actually going to skip all the questions that is shared by less than 53 courses. And here's all the evaluation report that's returned by the 53 courses on the evaluations that's shared by all. So hopefully this give you a sense of how you can use the course group to also run evaluation and or post-survey, even when the questions for all those courses are not 100% identical. Thank you.
Video Summary
The speaker discusses how to use OASIS, a system for collecting and analyzing data from post-surveys, to generate reports based on shared questions. They explain that when the post-survey questions in a course group are not identical, OASIS displays the number of questions shared by each course. The speaker demonstrates how to use the system to generate an aggregated report for shared questions using a specific number of courses in the group. This allows users to focus on questions that are shared by all courses and obtain an evaluation report. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the versatility of the course grouping feature in running evaluations and post-surveys. No credits are mentioned.
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data collection
report generation
course grouping
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