Advanced Use Cases of Multi-Part Course
Drip Schedule Overview
Drip Schedule Overview
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Video Transcription
In this video, we quickly show the type of mechanics within OASIS that allows you to drip your content to the learner. Note that when a course is on a drip schedule, the entire content is not available to the learner at the onset of the course. Instead, the content is stretched out over a period of time, and the schedule or the frequency or the timing of when each piece of the course is available to the student is based on the type of drip schedule that is subscribed. In this particular example, we have Learning How to Learn, which is a multi-part course. Please refer to a different section on the difference between a generic course and a multi-part course. A multi-part course or a track of courses are the only type of course that allow drip schedule. In our example, Learning How to Learn has four child courses, which we can apply a drip schedule. We are going to click on the drip schedule. Notice there are actually three types of schedule that can be applied to any group of courses that's part of the multi-part. You have a global calendar. What that means is you can drag the course to say this course is available on a particular date, and this calendar schedule is applied to every single person that is taking the course. So this is ideal if everybody in your class is supposed to start and stop at the same time. If you want people to start and stop based on when they start the course, global calendar is not the way to go. We are going to click on clear all. Instead, what you want to do is click on rolling start. Rolling start basically means everybody has their own schedule. You can say when you start, you have access to week one course, and after seven days, you have access to week two's course. After another seven days, you have week three, and after another seven days, you have week four. Notice that in a rolling start configuration, when a user starts the first course, they are on their own schedule. So the second person that starts the course a month later will have courses appearing for that person one month later in every course. So that's why it's called a rolling course. There is one more possibility with the way the drip schedule is configured, and that is prerequisite-based. In prerequisite-based, it's similar to rolling start, but any course is made available to the learner upon the completion of the previous course, instead of based on time elapsed. For example, we can say week one starts, and then week two can also start available on start, or week two is only available, you just drag the course on top of which one is the prerequisite, and then you can say it's available 30 days after you have finished week one. Notice that if the person took 60 days to finish week one's course, then week two's course will not show up until 30 days after the person finished week one. So you don't know when the week two's course is going to be available to the learner. So that's the difference between prerequisite-based versus rolling start. Now you can say week three can start immediately after you finish week two, so you can keep it at zero, or you can plus seven, or plus one. When you make a mistake, you just drag it to the trash can, and it is deleted. So for this example, we can daisy chain them, so we say this one's seven days, and this one we want to make available to say another seven days. So in this example, week two is never going to be available to the learner until they finish week one's course, and it will be available 30 days later. Week three is available seven days after they finish week two's course, and the last course is available seven days after the week three. So that is the three type of drip schedule you can set for any given course that is a multi-part. We are going to have another example of how to set up a course that is in a learning track.
Video Summary
The video demonstrates the mechanics of drip scheduling within the OASIS learning platform. Drip scheduling is a method where course content is released gradually over a period of time, based on a specific schedule. The video explains three types of drip scheduling: global calendar, rolling start, and prerequisite-based. The global calendar schedule allows all learners to start and stop the course at the same time. Rolling start gives each learner their own schedule, with content becoming available after a specified time period. Prerequisite-based scheduling makes content accessible to learners based on the completion of previous courses. The video provides examples and instructions for setting up drip schedules for multi-part courses.
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drip scheduling
OASIS learning platform
global calendar
rolling start
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