Advanced Use Cases of Multi-Part Course
Use Case - Partial Credit
Use Case - Partial Credit
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Video Transcription
One of the most frequent reason that you need a multi-part course is if you want to give user credit as they progress through the course instead of only at the end of the course when the user completes the entire course. The reason that we have to use a multi-part in this scenario is in OASIS, a given course can only have one credit that's given out at the end of the course. We do not give out partial credit as the user moves along the course. And if you want to give partial credit out as the user moves along the course, you will have to set up a multi-part and create chart courses inside the multi-part course. And each chart course will contain credit to its own. So we're going to go through how to do that in this case. We're going to click on add a course. In this case, we're going to select multi-part. And we're going to do this as just a demo. So demo course with two chart that give credit one CME each. And then we're going to click on next. And you can give credit at the completion of the multi-part course as well as a bonus if you want. But in this case, we want to focus on giving credit only at the chart level. So we're just going to say next. So multi-part course is a course the user will be buying. So you have to type in the price. So let's say that is the price. So we're going to click on next. So we have officially set up a course, that multi-part course. And when you're ready to publish, you want to change the product code and store code to match any integration requirement that's unique to your instance. But in this case, we're just going to go to the chart course. And we're going to add a chart course. So notice that when I add a chart course, I can select the existing course. But we're going to add a brand new course. So here we're going to say demo course, child course one. So this is the first course in all the chart course of the demo we're creating. So in this case, we're going to give one CME credit. And we can then set up the learning content. We can put some post-test. Each chart course is a course in OASIS. The only difference is it cannot be purchased individually. And it will have to be purchased through the parent course. And when you're looking at it, you will see that the chart course one has a parent course called demo course with two child. So let's just go into the parent course. You'll notice that it will say the multi-part. And then when I go to the chart course, you will see that there are one. So let's add one more so that we can complete our goal of having two demo course. So demo course, demo child course two. So imagine this one also received one credit. So now we, once again, have some post-test for this chart course. And we click on Next. As you finish, you will see that there are two courses. We refer to a sibling course. One, the one we just created. Another one is course one. And when we go to the parent, we'll see that it has two chart course. So we can start adding things to the chart course. For the demonstration purpose, we're going to put in something really quick so that we can move on. OK. So now what we have done is we have populated some learning content and the post-test for each of the chart course. As we go here, we'll see that it has a content. And it has a one-question exam, just for illustration purpose. Remember that you must publish each child individually before you publish the parent. So now that both are published, we can go to the parent course. And then we can publish. There's a few advanced features, such as right now, the red icon means that each of the chart course is required for the user to be considered completing the overall parent course. If you click on it, you will change to optional. That means the user can finish, say, one or the other to finish the parent course. But typically, you want to have all the chart courses as mandatory in order to finish the parent course. So now what happens is overall, this course will have two CME. And the reason that it has two CME is because the chart courses it contains offers one CME each. That concludes our example of one of the use case for why you want to use a multi-part course. In this case, the use case being you want to give credit as the person progress along in the course, instead of only receiving credit at the end of the course.
Video Summary
This video explains the process of setting up a multi-part course to give users credit as they progress rather than only at the end. In OASIS, a course can only have one credit given at the end, so a multi-part course is necessary for partial credit along the way. The video demonstrates how to set up a multi-part course and add chart courses within it, each with its own credit. The transcript goes through the steps of creating chart courses, setting up learning content and post-tests, and publishing the courses. The example concludes by highlighting the use case for using a multi-part course to give credit throughout the course progression. No specific credits are mentioned for the video.
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