Assessment Exam - AI-based Proctoring
Bypassing Proctoring
Bypassing Proctoring
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Sometimes it is also possible that you have a high-stake exam, but you also want to give the same exam when the user is being proctored by person, and when that happens, you actually don't need to have a remote proctoring feature because someone is physically there proctoring a room of people. So when that happens, what you can do is you can go to advanced settings, you can give a bypass code, and what this means is you just generate a bypass code, and this code, whoever has this code, is able to take the exam without having to have a webcam and the ability to share a screen. So sometimes, for example, a government building or, not government building, government computer or like a classroom setting where you may not be able to have a computer or laptop that allows you to do the screen recording and the webcam recording that you need. So now that we have that, so let's reset the progress for our test user and we'll go through the process to see what that looks like when you allow user to bypass. So I'm just going to reset this progress so we can start again. So over here, I'm going to start the same exam again, except this time when I start, it's going to say, hey, I have a bypass code. And then I'm just going to paste the bypass code in here and then click on continue. So notice now I no longer have to do any of the high-stake remote proctoring checks such as monitor and the screen recording because I have a bypass code that bypass all the security features and I'm just doing the exam on my own. And the reason I can do that is because likely I'm doing this in a secured environment where someone is actually going to, in person, physically proctor my exam. So that is how a bypass code works. It allows whoever having the code to easily bypass. And as always, everything that the user do is recorded. So if we go to the user logs, you will see that the user have bypassed. So let's see. There we go. The user have bypassed the security by using a particular bypass code. So this is how you can have a high-stake exam with a remote proctoring feature turned on but still have the flexibility of giving some users who have the bypass code ability to take the exam without the webcam turned on or the screen being recorded.
Video Summary
The video discusses how to allow certain users to bypass remote proctoring features during high-stakes exams. In situations where the exam is being physically proctored by someone, a bypass code can be generated in the advanced settings. This code allows users to take the exam without the need for a webcam or screen recording. Examples of scenarios where this may be necessary are government buildings or classrooms without suitable recording devices. The process of using a bypass code is demonstrated, and it is emphasized that all user activity is still recorded. This feature provides flexibility for exams with remote proctoring while accommodating specific circumstances. (no credits granted)
Asset Caption
A way to skip the remote proctoring, for cases such as the user is already being proctored in-person
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remote proctoring
bypass code
high-stakes exams
user activity recording
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