Assessment Exam - Making Question Changes Post-Lau ...
Use Case - Remove Questions
Use Case - Remove Questions
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Video Transcription
Deactivating questions keep the number of questions the same while giving a few questions for free as correct answer for all the learner taking the exam. Suppose you want to actually remove the question instead of marking those questions as correct for everyone. So this is the steps on how to do that. So I'm going to navigate to the exam and in this particular exam it has 160 questions and earlier we disabled the two questions. We don't have to disable it. I'm going to show how to actually delete it. The way that you're going to go about doing that is let's just grab the two questions that was disabled and then we're going to remove it. Actually I have it written down already here. So these are the two questions. Let's just make sure. This one was disabled earlier. This one is another question that was disabled. So when they're disabled everyone is flagged as 100% correct so that you keep the number of questions the same but everyone will automatically get a little bit bump in their score. Suppose that's not what you want. What you need to do is you need to go to exam. It's a three-step process. You go to populate questions. You grab the question ID that you want to remove. So I'm going to copy. And you click on update question IDs. You paste it and you click on delete button right here. So this is step one. Check this box to delete user's response and you click on confirm. All right. Now that you have deleted the question from the exam. You haven't actually deleted the question from the system only from being used in the exam. And you're also deleting everyone's answer to that question. So this step is actually irrecoverable or irreversible because as soon as we delete user's responses we're not going to be able to restore that. The fact that you're deleting the question probably means that these are bad questions that you don't care about user's response. And depending on how big, how many users have taken the exam. This particular step might take some time as you go through deleting everyone's answers. Eventually you're going to come back to this screen after they have been deleted. Now I'm going to go back to the exam detail. There's a couple things. That's the step one that we just did. Now we're going to do step two. Because the exam started with 160 questions as required. But we have deleted two questions. And because we're probably not adding another question. I'm going to change the total number to 158. Otherwise the system is going to get confused why you say that I need 160 questions but you only give me 158. So I'm just going to change that. That's step two. Step three is you click on here. You click on rescore. Because keep in mind when I remove all the questions my denominator has become 158. And because all the scores are calculated when the user submits the exam. I need to click on rescore. And this is another long running process. So this is actually running in the background. Rest assured it will eventually finish running. And then the user score will be recalculated. Based on the fact that there's now 158 questions instead of 160 questions in the exam. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video, the instructor explains how to remove questions from an exam instead of marking them as correct for everyone. The process involves three steps. First, the user needs to navigate to the exam and identify the question IDs they want to remove. Then, by using the "update question IDs" function, they can delete the questions from the exam, including deleting everyone's answers to those questions. The second step is to adjust the total number of questions in the exam to account for the removed questions. Finally, the user needs to click on the "rescore" button to recalculate the scores based on the new number of questions.
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remove questions
marking as correct
question IDs
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