Assessment Exam - Making Question Changes Post-Lau ...
Use Case - Swapping Questions (2/2)
Use Case - Swapping Questions (2/2)
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Video Transcription
Now that we have talked about what the dynamic exam mechanic looks like, we're going to show how you can use dynamic exam to change the questions inside the exam. In this example, I'm going to do a drastic swap by replacing 50 questions in the assessment exam with a completely different 50 questions. They all happen to be on the same taxonomy, so there is really no change to the, I would say, the goal of the product. It's just that the question has changed. So I'm going to click on this particular assessment exam, and then click on the exam portion of the product. So then I'm going to click on the exam detail, okay? So the first thing you see that there are 50 questions. If I click on the 50 questions, you will see that here's the 50 questions. Plenty people have taken the course, taken the exam, so we have some scores associated with it. And what we're doing now is saying, hey, there are some people that's taking the exam. We don't want to affect anything they do, and we want to change the question for the new people who is going to start the exam for the very first time, okay? So we essentially have two group of users, group of the user who have started the exam before I do the swap of 50 questions, and a group of students in the future student who are going to do the exam after I do the swap. So what I'm going to do first is notice that the populate question button is disabled, because right now the exam is already published, and typically for a static list of questions, you cannot change the questions after you publish. So what do we do? We click on edit under advanced information, and then we change the dynamic. When I do that, there is a little bit of an MNUI bug where this button doesn't get enabled because it doesn't realize that it can be enabled. Just go to the top, hit return, refresh the screen, go back to the exam detail tab, and this button lights up, okay? So I'm going to click on it, and I'm going to click on update question with question IDs. So this is the list of question IDs that used to be in the product. We have a lot of video tutorial already on how to grab question IDs and generate a list, but for this demonstration, I just pretend that I already have the question IDs I want to use, okay? So I'm going to come over here, I'm going to copy it, okay? I'm going to paste it here, right? I'm going to click on replace. So literally, I'm replacing what is in the exam with 50 brand new questions, and I want to do replace instead of add, otherwise, I will end up with 100 questions, okay? So now when I do that, if I go to exam, a couple of things you're going to notice. Number one is there's a lot of white empty space here now. That's because even though the score are tracked based on at the time when the user submit the exam, the questions in the exam has been changed. So a lot of statistics for the questions are no longer visible because we have brand new 50 questions, and we don't have any statistics for them. So that makes sense. So the fact that you see a white space is actually encouraging sign, okay? Then I'm going to go to the exam detail, and I'm going to click on 37 people who have started the exam, out of 38 have finished, okay? So I'm going to click on it, and I'm just going to right click on the 50, and I'm going to say open new tab, and I'm going to explain why I did this in a little bit. But notice here's the 50 questions that the user have, this particular user have started. But these questions are actually one of the old 50 questions because this student has taken the exam before I did the swap, okay? So now I'm going to go to another Incarnado window, and this time I'm going to log in as another user who is going to take the exam for the very first time. So actually I'm going to do this again. I'm going to log in, and I'm purposely going to pick a student who haven't take this test before. So this is student who have not taken the test before. I'm going to go here. Now I'm going to take the exam as the student, okay? I'm going to impersonate. I'm going to make this Incarnado window bigger, and I'm going to navigate towards where the user can take the test, okay? Brand new, never started. I'm going to go here. I'm going to click on start, okay? And I really don't care what the questions are. What I'm going to do is minimize this screen and go back to my admin screen, and I'm going to put this on the one side, and I'm going to put this on the other side. I'm going to just refresh on this to find Eric. So this person hasn't done anything, but the question has been generated. So I'm going to open a new window, dock it on the left to show you. It is the same exam. Notice that it is same exam, but this user have 50 different questions than the student before it. So that's very, very important, right, is it is the same exam, but because the exam is dynamic, the question that's generated for Eric is different than the question that's generated for Andrew, simply because he created the exam when the question has been swapped, and Andrew started the exam before the question has swapped, and everyone gets whatever question was in the exam at that point in time when they started the exam, okay? Then I'm just going to impersonate this user to show you that when I go to the user and I go to the exam, the system is actually smart enough to say, hey, if you started the exam, all the peer comparison data is actually captured, and based on all the students that were submitting the exam, that's common to you, right? So even though we have swapped out the questions, the peer comparisons, those will continue to work. So this is how you can swap the questions inside the exam when you want to do a wholesale complete exam question swap, and you're basically saying, I'm going to make it a dynamic exam, dynamic pooling exam, so that I have the flexibility to have a pool of question where the pool can be constantly changing, and I'm going to just completely replace what's in the pool for the purpose of swapping the question. Hopefully this makes sense. Please reach out if you have any questions. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video discusses how to use the dynamic exam feature to change the questions within an exam. The presenter demonstrates this by replacing 50 questions in an assessment exam with completely different questions. They explain that there are two groups of users: those who have already started the exam and those who will start it in the future. The presenter shows the process of replacing the questions by enabling the "update question with question IDs" option and pasting the new question IDs. They mention that the white empty space in the exam indicates that the questions have been changed. The video also highlights that peer comparison data will still be captured for the swapped questions. No credits were included in the transcript.
Meta Tag
Creation Year
dynamic exam feature
change questions
update question with question IDs
peer comparison data
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