Assessment Exam - Miscellaneous Features
ADA Accommodation
ADA Accommodation
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Video Transcription
Hello, suppose you have an assessment exam Instead of giving users unlimited time to finish the exam You would like to put a time limit on it So what you can do is you can click on edit You can say that this exam, I'm going to put a time limit of let's say 60 minutes Okay, and let's pretend that we don't have a break I'm going to click on update So what that means is anyone who wants to take this test As soon as they start, they will only have one hour to take the test So to show how that works I'm going to use my Aaron Johnson and I'm just going to take the test That is called certification 2022 So I'm going to take the test And I'm going to start the test Notice the user gets a little warning to say Hey, you're about to start the timed exam The time will start when you click on start below And the idea is as soon as they start, they have to finish That's the whole point of being a timed exam And notice the time starts to count down Now, suppose the student says Hey, I actually have a disability And I would like to have more time to take the test Because that is the law If that's the case, you find the user's account You click on edit And you mark the user as required ADA accommodation And then you give the exam multiplier In this case, I'm just going to give an exam multiplier of 1.5 That means for every exam that allows one minute of time limit The person gets 1.5 So if it's 60 minutes, that's 90 minutes that this person gets So if you put 1.0, that essentially is meaningless Because you're not really multiplying the time limit for anyone So I'm just going to change this to 1.5 I'm going to click on update And what I will also have to do is I do have to reset the user So that the user will be able to restart the exam So here we go I'm going to go back to the catalog I'm going to search for certification 2022 again I'm going to click on start Okay, so same prompt, but why start? Notice that I have an hour and 30 minutes instead of an hour Because I have ADA accommodation And my multiplier is 1.5 Thank you
Video Summary
In the video, it is explained how to set a time limit for an assessment exam on a platform. The user can click on the edit option and specify the time limit for the exam. Once set, users will have that specified time to complete the exam. If a student requires more time due to a disability, the user's account can be marked for ADA accommodation and an exam multiplier can be given to extend the time limit. The video demonstrates the process and shows how the time limit is adjusted for a user with ADA accommodation. No credits are mentioned or provided in the video.
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Creation Year
time limit
assessment exam
ADA accommodation
exam multiplier
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