Assessment Exam - Question Writing and Review
Concept - Category Based Question Review
Concept - Category Based Question Review
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Video Transcription
Before we get into the nitty-gritty mechanical details of how OASIS LMS can help you manage the question writing and reviewing process, we want to describe just at a conceptual level how it works. There are two types of workflows that OASIS supports, category-based review and question-based review. In this video, we're just going to describe the concept behind a category-based question review workflow. In category-based question review workflow, you can think of each review workflow that is based entirely on the category or the topic where the question is created in. So when an author creates questions in a particular category, all the questions will be submitted for a designated one person or a group of people to review. In other words, all the review process can be nicely aligned based on which topic the question is in. In this particular case, it's best suited when the number of questions per topic is fairly even so that you don't overwork one or two persons who are responsible for the topic. In addition, you have the flexibility to have more than one person in charge of a particular topic review. In addition, you can have one person who is in charge of two topic review. Once again, you can have two persons in charge of one topic or one person in charge of two topics, depending on their workload. In a category-based review workflow, the authors will write the questions and then section leaders will review those questions and then chairperson will do the final review. So you have one set of review by the author, one set of review by the section leader, and one set of review by the chairperson. You do not have to have three levels of review if you don't want to. You could simply have question author and then go straight to the administrator if you want. But OASIS allows you to have up to three levels of review process. And here is just a screen of a possible setup where you have exam writers that is 545. So there are 545 exam writers writing the question. Then you have 70 section leaders who are in charge of different topics as a second level reviewer. And then you have chairperson, which is 27, who is sort of at the top of the pyramid, who is going to do the final review. So this screenshot just gives you an idea of a finished workflow configuration where you have a pyramid setup of a lot of question writers doing the first level question writing, a section leader doing the first round of review, and the chairperson doing the second round of review.
Video Summary
This video explains the concept of a category-based question review workflow in OASIS LMS. It describes how questions can be organized into categories or topics, and each category has designated reviewers who review all the questions within that category. This workflow is ideal when the number of questions per topic is evenly distributed to avoid overburdening reviewers. It also allows for flexibility in assigning multiple reviewers to a topic or one reviewer to multiple topics based on their workload. The video mentions that three levels of review, including question authors, section leaders, and chairpersons, can be implemented in this workflow, but it is not mandatory. A screenshot is shown, depicting a possible workflow configuration with multiple question writers, section leaders, and chairpersons.
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category-based question review workflow
question organization
designated reviewers
flexible assignment of reviewers
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