Assessment Exam - Question Writing and Review
Step 0. Planning and Initial Setup
Step 0. Planning and Initial Setup
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Video Transcription
Welcome to the first tutorial on how to write and review questions for exam within OASIS LMS. Interestingly, the first step actually happens outside of OASIS. Typically, the first step involves identifying the question contributors who will be authoring the questions for the exam and which topic and subtopic they will be writing questions for. In our hypothetical example, we will have a set of question contributors writing against a topic tree that looks like this. In this example, we'll have an exam that contains shoulder and under shoulder, there's basic science, arthroscopy, soft tissue, arthritis, and fracture. And in our example, we'll have questions written for each subtopic under the shoulder. As you can see, using the spreadsheet, we can list a set of question contributors who will be writing questions for shoulder slash basic science. And we have first level reviewer who we refer to as section leader that will review the questions submitted by the question contributor. And after section leader has reviewed the question, they will be reviewed by the second level reviewer who are typically referred to as a chairperson. So in this case, we have five question authors who will be writing questions for shoulder slash basic science. And we have one section leader who will be reviewing the questions that are submitted. And then we have two chairs who will be reviewing all the sections after they are reviewed by their individual section leader. Before we conclude this tutorial, I would like to point out two other minor points. Typically, if you need 20 questions for a section, you probably want to assign more than what's required so that you can pick the best question out of all the questions that are submitted and reviewed. That's number one. Number two, you can mix and match the section leaders or the reviewer to have them write questions as well. In our example, Dr. Russell Hoffman will be reviewing all the questions. In addition, he will also be writing questions. This concludes the first tutorial on how to use OASIS to write and review questions. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this tutorial, the speaker explains the process of writing and reviewing exam questions using OASIS LMS. The first step involves identifying question contributors and assigning them specific topics and subtopics to write questions for. In the hypothetical example given, there are question contributors writing for subtopics under the shoulder. The questions submitted by the contributors are then reviewed by a section leader, followed by a chairperson. It is suggested to assign more questions than needed to ensure the best ones are chosen. Additionally, section leaders and reviewers can also write questions. Dr. Russell Hoffman is mentioned as an example of someone who reviews and writes questions. This concludes the tutorial on using OASIS for question writing and reviewing. No credits were mentioned.
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exam questions
question contributors
review process
Dr. Russell Hoffman
205 West Randolph St, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60606
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