Assessment Exam - Question Writing and Review
Step 1 - Given faculty permission to review questi ...
Step 1 - Given faculty permission to review question for re-use
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Video Transcription
Suppose you have an item bank with many questions that has been finalized and questions are actually used in an active product. After a few years, you might want to review these finalized questions and decide if these questions can be reused in a new product. In this case, you can leverage our question reuse review workflow. Let's use this item bank as an example, and it has 250 questions that has already been finalized and has been used in various products. In this case, I also happen to have Krishna, who is a section leader. I have another browser open, logged in as Krishna, and this is Krishna's screen. Now, I would like to say I want to task all the section leaders, which include Krishna, I want to task them with question reuse review. All I have to do is select section leaders and click on update. Now, I'm going to go back to the screen where Krishna was seen. If I refresh, there's going to be a new button. When I click on this, it's going to list all the questions that is from the item bank within the topic that Krishna is in charge of. And Krishna can go in and review each question that is slated for Krishna's review. So keep in mind, the button that says reuse review will show up only for the faculties who has been given permission to review questions for reuse purpose. If Krishna is not a section leader for this item bank and the section leader is not selected for question reuse review, then Krishna is not going to have this button and would not be able to review the questions in his category. Keep in mind, Krishna is in charge of the category basic science. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video explains how to use a question reuse review workflow for an item bank. It demonstrates the process using an example of an item bank with 250 finalized questions that have been used in various products. The video shows how to assign section leaders, like Krishna, to review the questions for potential reuse. Only section leaders with permission to review questions for reuse will have access to the button that allows them to review the questions within their assigned category. In this example, Krishna is in charge of the basic science category.
Meta Tag
Creation Year
question reuse review workflow
item bank
250 finalized questions
section leaders
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