Assessment Exam - Question Writing and Review
Step 1. Setting up the review flow
Step 1. Setting up the review flow
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Video Transcription
Now that we have a game plan, let's set up an item bank that follows this question-based review. So I'm going to add a new item bank, and in this case I'm going to call it SuperHeroTriviaItemBank And then I'm just going to put the year of 2022. And I'm just going to pick some category that's in my system. I'm just going to pick three out of five, just so that it's a round number. And just for this illustration purpose, multiple choice four. And I'm going to say that I'm not going to track lead-in. I don't track anything, right? Just keep it simple. All right. And I do want to enable question review process. And I'm just going to worry about this later, okay? And then I'm going to go to the item bank. I will modify. I'm going to... A second. Okay, there we go. I'm going to change the question-based review. Notice that's very important. The exam review mode used to be category-based, which is a default. I'm changing it to question-based review, okay? And just for now, I'm just going to turn the email notification to no email, just so that we don't generate a lot of email notifications, okay? And then what I'm going to do is I'm just going to click on edit. And I'm going to add all the question writers to the system. So I have the Excel file that I was using earlier. So I'm just going to add enough so that I can go through example. And then I'm going to pause the video and fill out the rest, okay? So I'm just going to add Steve Roger as... Keep in mind that everybody who are either writing questions or reviewing questions needs to be added as a part of the faculty in the system. And notice that in this example, it's the exam writer slash reviewer. So we actually don't treat them any differently, whether they're writing or reviewing, okay? So I'm just going to do these three, and then we'll pause the video, and then we'll finish the rest, okay? Now I'm going to go to writer assignment. I'm going to click on add new assignment. And even though the topics does not drive question review process, when I assign questions to Steve Rogers, I still need to tell him what topics to write. So let's say that the first question, I'm going to ask Steve Roger to write in Arithmia. So I'm just going to say Steve Rogers, okay? Just one question. And I'm not going to send any emails. I'm going to click on save, okay? So I'm going to create a new one. And actually cancel or close. So then I'm going to ask Steve Rogers to write another one in coronary artery disease, okay? So Steve Rogers, another question. Okay, and then I'm going to confirm. The system just want to make sure that, hey, he's already writing questions for another topic. Did you do a mistake? And then next one, I'm just going to add another question for Steve Rogers. This time, I'm going to ask him to write one more question. So now I have asked Steve Rogers to write three questions. And as a matter of fact, if I go back to the summary, I will see that Steve Roger is assigned one question for each of the topic, okay? And then if I go to the detail page, I will see that there are three questions created. If I go there, you will see that these are the three questions that has been stopped out. If I click on it, you will see there's a stopped out question for Steve Rogers to fill in. Now that I'm just going to go to item bank, go to my superhero item bank. And now that I have the first three questions assigned, I'm going to go to question review. I'm going to manually configure review. Click on confirm. Then I'm going to say, okay, the first question is, let's say, arrhythmia, okay? I'm going to select this one. Click on next. And I'm going to say who is going to review. So I'm going to say Clark Kent. So I'm going to select Clark Kent. Click on next. And then this one is going to say, okay, Clark Kent is going to start reviewing when Steve Rogers says he's ready for review. And when Clark Kent is finished, I'm going to say this review completed. Essentially, you see how the terminology we're using for category-based review is being repeated here for question-based review. So this creates a wrong one. We don't need to notify. Typically, we don't notify the author when the first round of review is finished, but you could if you want. And here are some instructions if you want to give some instructions to the reviewer. And we also allow reviewer to edit instead of only author edit, okay? So I'm going to click on next. So this is done. So I'm going to set up a new review, okay? This time I'm going to set up the same question, okay, same question. Except this time I'm going to select Stephen Strange. And I'm going to say Stephen Strange is going to take over when review is completed. And he's going to take the baton and go all the way to chair approved. So I'm going to click on next. Okay, so here we go. So now I'm just going to say, what have I set up so far? So you can see that this is a – actually, I go here, question view. And I'm going to click on all questions. So you see the first question is Stephen Rogers. Steve Rogers is the author. Clark Kent is the first leg. And Stephen Strange is second leg, which matches our – hold on a second. Which matches our flow. So I'm going to stop the video now. And when I resume, I would have already done all 20. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker is setting up an item bank for a Superhero Trivia game. They create the item bank and select the year 2022. They pick a category and choose three out of five questions for multiple choice. They enable the question review process and add question writers to the system. They assign Steve Rogers to write questions on Arrhythmia and Coronary Artery Disease and confirm the assignments. They then go to the question review section and manually configure the review process. Clark Kent is selected as the reviewer for Steve Rogers' questions, and Stephen Strange is selected as the reviewer for Clark Kent's review. The video concludes with the speaker stating they will have completed all 20 questions when they resume. No credits are mentioned in the video.
Meta Tag
Creation Year
item bank
Superhero Trivia game
question selection
multiple choice
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