Assessment Exam - Question Writing and Review
Step 1a. Setting up an Exam for Question Review
Step 1a. Setting up an Exam for Question Review
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LMS allows you to leverage its question writing capability for both assessment exams and item banks. In this video tutorial, we'll show how to leverage question writing capability for assessment exam. I'm going to click on courses and I'm going to click on add courses. Make sure you select assessment exam because that's the only type that allows you to enable question writing flow. And then we're just going to say question writing some exam. OK, make sure you select the topic that the exam covers because the topic that you select here would drive what questions is available for writing when the exam writing starts. We're going to skip the configuration. We're going to skip the pricing setup and we're not going to check any boxes and just focus on the assessment exam. This part is very important. Suppose we're going to only do exam mode. We want to tell the system how many questions we want to target to have. To have. And then click on save and continue. So far, we are still doing a normal setup of assessment exam and we haven't really touched on the question writing aspect of it. So let's just do this. Here we go. The next step is very important. You make sure you say open for writing and then you select the type of question that can be written for the exam. Typically, we recommend only select one type of question so that the exam is more valid. And most important thing is please check this box so that you can enable the question writing and review process by default is not checked, which will allow the administrator to add questions one at a time on his own or her own. You had to check this box so that the question writing workflow will be turned on. When you do that, we will skip the rest of the step. But this is very important. You want to decide you want to tell the system how often the review email goes out. We recommend live email so that when a question is ready for review, the next level reviewer will automatically get an email in real time. This could get very spammy if one person is in charge of multiple reviews. So you might want to say daily or weekly if you want to keep the question review notification emails to a minimum. Or you can change to no email so that no email get generated. Keep in mind that if no email get generated, there's no way for the reviewer to know that something is ready for the review. So as administrator for the system, you then will have to constantly watch over what question is ready for who's review and manually notify them. So for this demo, I'm just going to keep it as live. And then I'm going to switch and make sure that it's category based review because we are doing category based review for this demo purpose. And then now that I have checked that, everything's good. And on this screen, we should have writer slash reviewer, which will allow us to set up who is supposed to work on this exam. Keep in mind that OASIS have a strong concept of security in the sense that anyone who is authorized to write for one question does not automatically make that person able to write for another exam. So the faculty that is writing questions for each exam must be mapped to that exam. So a next video tutorial will show how to set up the review hierarchy. But before we go there, there's one more thing that often trip people up. In order for a user to be eligible to be assigned as a question writer, they must have a role of faculty. So for any user in the system that you're planning on giving access as a question writer, make sure you go to their account. And make sure you go to their account and scroll down, click on edit, and make sure their role is faculty. That is the only way for the user to show up in the dropdown to be assigned to that exam. It's very important. And typically, we always get questions why a faculty does not show up in the dropdown. That's because they're not flagged as a faculty. And you can always search for faculty by just doing a search like this. So with that said, keep in mind any time you want to manage the question writing organization for that exam, make sure you click on course, go to the exam you care about. And because this product is assessment exam, you want to click on the assessment exam link to go to the exam portion of the management console. And then you'll be able to start setting up the review. And next video tutorial, we'll talk about how to set up the actual review.
Video Summary
The video tutorial explains how to leverage question writing capability for assessment exams using an LMS. To enable the question writing flow, you must select the assessment exam option. You can specify the topic that the exam covers and set the target number of questions. Clicking "Save and continue" progresses with the normal setup process. Open the exam for writing and choose the type of question that can be written. Ensure to check the box to enable the question writing and review process. Decide the frequency of review emails and select category-based review. Users must have the faculty role assigned to be eligible as question writers. The next tutorial will explain how to set up the review hierarchy. To manage the question writing organization, go to the desired exam in the management console.
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assessment exams
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