Assessment Exam - Question Writing and Review
Step 2 - Faculty experience while reviewing for qu ...
Step 2 - Faculty experience while reviewing for question re-use
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So I have added two person as a section leader and both of these two faculties will be able to do question reuse review in the system. As a matter of fact I have logged in as them on two separate browsers. Okay so what I'm going to do now is we're going to show what these two faculties can do as a part of their review process. So I'm going to dock one person to the side. I'm just going to click on the first faculty and for demonstration purpose I'm just going to grab the first one. Okay I'm going to copy the name of the question just so that we can easily find it. Okay I'm going to click on it and in this case I'm going to scroll down you'll see that there is review for reuse. I'm going to click on it notice a pop-up come up that allows user to move things around in case the faculty want to see the actual questions and any images or whatnot and then the recommendation will say can be reused or should be revised. So I'm just going to say can be reused and say this question is still valid. Alright and then we're going to click on submit review. At this point I'm going to maximize it. You'll see that under reuse review there's a number that says one and then you will show what's the comment by who on what day and what is the decision. Now I'm going to go to the second faculty and I'm going to click on the question again and I will also review it. Okay so here we go. One second. Here we go. Alright I'm going to look at the question. I'm going to say this question is not valid. Okay I'll change it to should be revised. I'm going to click on submit review. Now if I scroll to the top you will see that reuse review has a two and when I click on it you will show that there are two faculties who have submitted their review with different opinions. As you can see the system allow multiple faculties to submit their review for the same question and each one can have diverging views and obviously they can actually make changes because a paper from last year has a new finding. So this shows the user, the faculty experience on how they can submit reviews. As you can see here as the user goes through it they can, as faculty go through it they can provide review for each one. Then that will be the the user experience, the faculty experience when they review all the questions within their topic for reuse purpose. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker demonstrates how two section leaders can review questions for reuse in the system. They log in as each section leader on separate browsers and proceed to review a question. The first faculty member determines that the question can be reused and submits the review. The second faculty member, however, decides that the question should be revised and submits their review as well. The system allows multiple faculties to review the same question and provides a platform for them to submit their opinions and make changes if necessary. This video showcases the faculty experience with reviewing questions for reuse.
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Creation Year
section leaders
review questions
faculty experience
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