Assessment Exam - Question Writing and Review
Step 2. Setting Up the Category Review Structure
Step 2. Setting Up the Category Review Structure
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Video Transcription
Welcome to the second tutorial on how to write and review questions within OASIS. We'll pick up where we left off in the previous tutorial, where we have already captured all the faculties that will be working on the exam. We'll have the question contributors, we'll have the section reviewers, and we also have the chairperson, nicely laid out. And we have also created the exam within OASIS and ready to load these faculties into the system. One thing to keep in mind that all the faculties who will be working on the exam must have a count in OASIS before they can be assigned to work on the exam. So we'll go to the writer reviewer tab and we will click on edit and we will start adding the question authors into this exam. So we will just do a quick search and we will make sure that exam writer is selected and then we click on assign. Notice that this author has been assigned as a question writer. We're just going to do another one. We'll select and we click assign. So that's how question authors are selected. Next, we'll add a question reviewer. So we'll search for Dr. Hoffman. In this particular case, we'll make sure that section leader is selected and then we will select the topic where the section leader will be reviewing for. In this case, it's shoulder slash basic science. We'll click on assign. Notice that Dr. Hoffman has been assigned here and then we will select Dr. Slavok as a chairperson. So we'll put in Mark Slavok. We'll make sure the chairperson is selected and we'll make sure that shoulder is assigned. As you can see, we have added two authors, one section leader, and one chairperson into the system. Now we'll just quickly add everybody into the system. So okay, now we have added all the faculties and their responsibility into the system. We have two chairperson, we have six section leader with one section covered by two section leader, and we have a set of exam writers. So now everybody who will be working on the exam, at least for the shoulder topic, has been loaded into the system.
Video Summary
This video tutorial is the second installment on how to write and review questions within the OASIS system. It begins by recapping the previous tutorial, which focused on capturing the faculties that will be involved in the exam. The tutorial then demonstrates how to assign question authors, section reviewers, and a chairperson to the exam. It emphasizes the importance of ensuring that all faculties are registered in OASIS before being assigned to the exam. The video concludes with a demonstration of how to add all the faculties and their respective responsibilities into the system, ensuring that everyone involved in the shoulder topic exam is included. No credits were mentioned in the transcript.
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video tutorial
OASIS system
write and review questions
question authors
section reviewers
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