Assessment Exam - Question Writing and Review
Step 4. Question Review in Action
Step 4. Question Review in Action
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Video Transcription
Welcome to the fourth tutorial on how to use Oasis LMS to write and review questions. So far, we have already assigned five questions for Dr. Coutts, and now what we're going to do is we will log in as Dr. Coutts and then see how the faculty's experience look like. Faculty must have a login and a password, and when they log in, you will see that the five questions that was already created, assigned to him, has already been stopped out. And the reason they have been stopped out is so that they can click on it and they can quickly and easily enter in the data, the question that should be entered. Notice here we selected to freeze the topic, and topic is frozen. And you can see, if you look at the logs, you will see the question was created as a stop question. Next, the doctor, the author, will be able to actually write the question as they want. So suppose the learner will come in and the start, the question author will start writing questions. They will enter the keyword, they will enter some learning objective, they will put in the stem and lead in. Stem is the description of the question, and then lead in is the actual questions that you will ask. Note that if, in your particular situation, you only want stem or you only want lead in, please check with your account manager as these fields can be turned on and off. And we'll basically enter the answer options here. And we can either make it randomized sequence or fixed sequence. We can just make this a fixed sequence with A being the right answer. So suppose this is how the author will quickly and easily start entering questions. Notice that the faculty can do all the question authoring from their home or their work without actually being in person. This really empowers the faculties to do work ahead of time. At any time, the author can click on save to save their progress. So if your particular case does not need commentary and reference, please check with your account manager as we can configure your system differently. In this particular case, we will use a special form to do reference because this particular instance requires a minimum of two references. Sometimes this requirement is not needed, but for this case, we'll say, okay, two references is added. Now that two references are added, we can submit the question to review. Remember, after the question is authored by the faculty and submit for review, the level one reviewer will have opportunity to review the question. In this particular case, the author will say submit for review. As soon as he click on submit for review, you will see Dr. Hoffman has been notified that this question is ready for review. And this works exactly the way that we want it as Dr. Hoffman is the next level reviewer. So we'll log in as Dr. Hoffman to see what it looks like. Now we'll log in as Dr. Hoffman who should have just received the email about a question that is ready for his review. Dr. Hoffman will log in and as you can see, under section review, he has one question that is ready for his review. When he click on it, he will see the questions and he will have the opportunity to click on complete review. In our example, we will assume that the reviewer doesn't have too much input, but he would decide to upload an image for the author. Suppose he has really good image for this particular question. He will click on one and he click on save. As you can see, question reviewer has the permission to make changes to the question. In addition, he can post comments in the question. Any comments will be emailed to the author and to anybody who have made comments on this question. When the section reviewer is happy with the question, they can click on complete review. Now if you remember correctly, two person will serve at the second level review. In this case, you can see the two person, Dr. Voloshin and Dr. Slabok are the second level reviewer and they have received the email letting them know that the first level review has been completed. Now we will let Dr. Slabok to log in, who should have just received the email informing Dr. Slabok that the question has been reviewed by the level one reviewer, which is the section leader and is ready for his review as a chairperson. As Dr. Slabok log in, under chair review tab, there will be one question that Dr. Kutz have written under shoulder slash basic science. As a reminder, all the questions under shoulder will require the chairperson's approval. So Dr. Slabok will click on the question. As you can see, here's all the questions that has been written by Dr. Kutz and has already been reviewed by Dr. Hoffman. Dr. Slabok can make some revisions to the question or they can add image, remove image, they can make changes to the reference commentary or provide feedback to the author, or he can just look at the question and say, hey, question is great. Click on chair approve. After the chair approves, you will see that the question will be sent to all the system administrator for final approval. Keep in mind, within OASIS, question must be finalized before it can be used in an exam. And as you can see right now, the highest level that the chairperson can send the question to is chair approved. And administrator will be able to log in and finalize the question. Now we'll log in as administrator instead of a faculty. As administrator, we should just receive the email saying that the question has been chair approved. We can click into the question and we can make any editorial changes that's required and then we can click on finalize. At any point in time, we can also change the status back for any reason that is required and the question will go through the review process once again. For this particular example, we'll just click on finalized. And as you can see, it can be added to the exam. As administrator, I can finalize, I can review, I can change the status of any question to any status I want. As you can see here, I can say something, something. As administrator, I essentially have got access to do anything I want. That concludes this tutorial on how to write and review question using OASIS LMS.
Video Summary
In this tutorial video, the speaker demonstrates how to use Oasis LMS to write and review questions. They start by logging in as a faculty member and show that the assigned questions are displayed. The faculty member can enter the question details, such as the stem and options, and save their progress. They also show how to add references and submit the question for review. The video then shows that a level one reviewer receives a notification and can review the question, make changes, and post comments. Once the level one review is complete, the question is sent to two level two reviewers. The process continues until the question reaches the chairperson for final approval. Finally, the video demonstrates how an administrator can make editorial changes and finalize the question, making it available for use in exams. No credits were mentioned in the transcript.
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Oasis LMS
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review questions
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