Assessment Exam - Question Writing and Review
Step 4. Question Review in Action
Step 4. Question Review in Action
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Video Transcription
Now, I have logged into the system as Jennifer, who has been assigned to write five questions. As a matter of fact, the five questions has been stopped out. So what we're going to do is let's just open one of the questions for writing, and then we're just going to write something. For this test, we're just going to put dummy things in here. We're going to click on save. So Jennifer can come back time and time again to revise her questions. When she's ready, she's going to click on submit for review. When it has been submitted for review, the next level of reviewer will have to review the question and approve the question. So we're going to log in as the next reviewer to see what they see. Now, we have logged in as Laura, who is the level two reviewer. As you can see here, Laura actually don't have any questions to write, but she does have permission to review the question that has been submitted for her review. She can go in here, she can revise any question that she would like, and then when she's ready, she can say finish review. When she click on finish review, the next person, who is Linda, will be able to take over the baton and go to the level two review. Now, we are going to log in as Linda and see how the experience looks like for her. Now, we have logged in as Linda, and as you can see, this question is ready for Linda to review. As a matter of fact, when she logs in, she can clearly see that Laura has completed the review and it is up to her to do the next level of review. Also, keep in mind that each time a question is ready for the next level's review, an email gets sent out based on the frequency that has been configured. If the frequency is live, an email will be sent out right away. If the frequency is set as batched or batched as weekly or monthly, those frequency will be honored. This concludes the end of the tutorial. As Linda, she can just click on finish review to complete her review process.
Video Summary
In this video tutorial, the system is being demonstrated for writing and reviewing questions. Jennifer is assigned to write five questions, but they are all blank, so she decides to open one and input some dummy content. After saving, she can revise the questions multiple times before finally submitting them for review. Laura, the level two reviewer, logs in and sees the questions that need her approval. She can edit the questions and when she finishes her review, Linda becomes the next reviewer. Linda logs in and sees that Laura has completed the review. It is mentioned that an email is sent out for each level of review. The tutorial concludes with Linda clicking "finish review" to complete her process. No credits are given in the transcript.
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video tutorial
writing questions
reviewing questions
level two reviewer
email notification
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