Assessment Exam - Simple Use Case, Basic Operation
In-Flight Question Changes
In-Flight Question Changes
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Video Transcription
video tutorial, we will show you how to make some easiest change to a product that is in flight. We're going to continue with our exam based product. Suppose after it has been launched, you have to make a change to the question in the exam. Hopefully you never have to do this, but if you do, here's a few possibilities. When you navigate to the question, suppose you want to make a change to this question. You can just make the change and then assume that the learner would just be okay with it. So for example, you can click on edit and just say, what is one minus one? Let's say plus one. So let's say you change the question itself, and then you're going to say the correct answer will ideally be one and distractor is zero. So suppose you literally change the question itself and you click on save. What happens is any learner that have already taken the test will notice the change and all the learner that is coming up in the future will only see the new version of the question. This is because Oasis only track one version of the question. If you do have to change the correct answer to say, correct answer is zero, distractor is one. When you do that, the user will see the new correct answer and the new distractor as well. Unless they took a screenshot or print out the exam before you made the change, the user probably won't notice that you have made the change. This is the easiest way to make a sneaky change under the radar, so to speak. Now, imagine you actually ends up finding out the exam, a question is bad, and you have to make the change in a more structured manner so that the integrity of the exam is maintained. We're going to go through a few examples. Suppose in this exam that has five questions, we want to change to four questions because one question is bad. The best way to do it is like this. Go to the five questions that was created, click on here, and then click on standard view, allow question deactivation, and then uncheck the box of the questions you want to deactivate. The benefit of deactivating a question instead of deleting the question is that any user who have taken the exam is going to notice that the number of questions they have in the exam did not change. In addition, any user in the future who take the test will also see the five questions with the one question clearly labeled as disabled. This allows you to keep the same marketing material where you say that I have 100 question exam without finding out that there's only 99 questions left because you have to disable a question. Now, one thing that's very important is after you disable a question, you have to click on rescore in order to rescore every single user's exam in the system. The learner experience after you disable, so let's click on rescore. Then we're going to go to learner to see what the learner sees. So keep in mind this particular learner has already finished the exam, so we'll show you what the learner sees if they have finished the exam. So here we go. There we go. When the user navigate into it, they will see that one of the questions has been disabled and they can navigate through all the questions knowing that when they hit the question that has been disabled, they will see this message. In addition, they will also notice that they received full credit because they got a 100%. This is very important. Any question that has been disabled does not lower the learner's score because disabled question automatically assume the user answered it correctly. This shows the user experience when you disable a question after the user has answered the exam. Now we're going to show you an example where the user has not finished the exam and they will start the exam after you have already disabled. So let's just as administrator, we're just going to reset the user's progress. So now what I've done is we have completely nuked the user's progress on the exam so we can restart as a learner who has never started the exam. Notice that when I click on start, right away I can see that one of the questions has been disabled, right away I can see that one of the questions has been disabled, and then when I click through, one plus one, this one, this one is disabled, I can go to the next one, right here. Notice that I will automatically receive one question as a freebie because it has been disabled so that the minimum I get is 20 percent, in this case I also get 100 percent. So this is how you can have an exam that is published and given the fact that some users have already taken the exam and you cannot start over, you can disable questions in the exam.
Video Summary
The video tutorial shows how to make changes to a product while it is already in use. Specifically, it focuses on changing questions in an exam-based product. The video demonstrates two ways to make changes. The first method is to directly edit the question, changing the text and answer options. This change will affect all future users while previous users will also see the altered question. The second method is to deactivate a question, which keeps the exam's integrity intact. This method allows previous users to see a disabled question while future users will see the full set of questions. It is emphasized that rescorings need to be done after deactivating questions.**(No credits mentioned in the transcript)**
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video tutorial
product changes
exam-based product
changing questions
two methods
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