Assessment Exam - Simple Use Case, Basic Operation
Simple Assessment Exam
Simple Assessment Exam
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In this video tutorial, we will go over the easiest possible setup for an exam-based product, which is what we typically refer to as assessment exam. Note that in this example, we will try to keep things very simple, which means administrator will be the one that's manually entering the questions. We're now using an item bank to import questions, and we're not going to use a workflow-based question writing and review process. We're strictly showing how to quickly load the question into OASIS. So while you log in as administrator, click on Add Course and click on Assessment Exam. We're just going to call this Sample Assessment Exam. Let's call it Math Exam, so Sample. When we go through it, we're just going to keep all the options default, because we want to only show the highlighted feature, and we're not really thinking about the rest. So next, we're going to only keep it as assessment exam. A different video tutorial will go over what is a practice exam, and let's just create five questions. And also for the exam mechanics, let's only do exam mode without the learning mode, which means the learner is going to get graded only after the learner submits the entire exam. Next, we're going to set some passing score. We're going to say 80, and since we have five questions, 80% will require user to at least answer four correctly. And we're just going to give user one reset, so that if they fail the first time, they have one more attempt. We're not going to go over what dynamic question generation is, just because we're trying to keep things simple, and we're not going to set an exam time limit. We click on Save and Continue. This step, next step, is fairly important. We want to make sure that this exam, we want to open for writing, so that we can write questions into it. If there is a multiple question type enabled on your platform, you will be able to make the selection here. In this particular sample system, it only allows multiple choice, five answers. As mentioned earlier, we're not going to do question review process, so we're not going to check this box. We're going to click on Continue, and we will randomize questions for each learner, and we're going to allow user to print the exam before they submit the exam, and print the answer book after they finish the exam. You can obviously uncheck the box if your use case does not require this. So now that I have reached the end of the wizard, I'm just going to click on Go to Exam Detail to start add questions. So I can click on Add Question, and I can fill out the question using this form. The question title, you can leave it as default, which is always unique, or you can use some naming convention if you want all the questions to be easily identifiable by their title. Keep in mind the question title is important in the sense that other reports refer to question by their title. However, the learner will never see the title of the question. I'm just going to add one question, 1 plus 1 equals what? And then I'm just going to say the correct answer is 2, and distractor is 1, 3, 4, 5. We're going to skip commentary and reference. I'm going to click on Save. So now I have created one question. Let's just go back to show exactly how you get here the next time when you add a question. Remember, go to Course, click on the course you just created, and then everything else on this page is about how to access the exam. So we want to focus on this part, which is the assessment exam link, and then we are going to get to the exam setup page, and then we can click on Add Question to add another question. Note that the system says you need five questions, and you have only created one question. So for the time being, I'm going to pause the video while I create four more questions. So here we go. Now that I have created five questions for the exam, I have created five very simple math questions so that we can easily pass. Because we set up an assessment exam, there is one additional step you have to take after you have created the question for the exam. And that step is, when you create five questions, you don't have to use the five questions. The reason is, OASIS allows you to create more questions than you actually will use, so that you can then decide which one of the questions you created will actually be used. So this is a fairly subtle difference, but it does allow you to load, say, 50 questions, and then selectively say, I only want to use 25 out of the 50. So to do that, instead of clicking on Add Question, we are going to click on Populate Question. And here, I can say Use a Question Created, or I can say Update with Question ID. When I say Update with Question ID, typically, we're going to do a search for questions, and we're going to copy and paste these IDs in. So for our purpose, we're just going to select the question that was created. So now we are good to go. We can go back to the exam, and then we can see that we have five questions that was created, and we have five questions that has been mapped to the exam. So now, we are ready to take the test. We're going to go back, and then we're going to publish. So now, we are ready to take the test. We're going to go back, and then we're going to publish. So we're not going to go over all the options in the Publication Wizard. We're just going to say Publish. Here we go. So now, we have officially published a course that is an assessment exam with the title Sample Assessment Math Exam. So we're just going to show how the learner sees. So we're going to switch to the learner side, and we're just going to search for that exam. So now, we're going to start the exam, and these are very simple math questions so that we know for sure we will be able to get them right. So here we go. When I click on Submit, I should receive 100%. So that is how you can create an assessment exam from beginning to the end, deliver it for the learner, and let the learner take the test. In the next few videos, we'll go over some additional features and options around assessment exam.
Video Summary
This video tutorial explains the step-by-step process of setting up an assessment exam using a platform called OASIS. The tutorial focuses on creating a math exam with five simple questions. The administrator manually enters the questions, and the tutorial does not cover a workflow-based question writing and review process. The tutorial explains how to set passing scores, provide a reset option, and enable randomization of questions. It also demonstrates how to add questions to the exam and how learners can take the exam. The video concludes by mentioning that additional videos will cover more features and options related to assessment exams on OASIS.
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assessment exam
step-by-step process
math exam
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