Assessment Exam - Spaced Learning Theory
Release Schedule Option - Global
Release Schedule Option - Global
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time release and one called the staggered start time release. We're going to go through both examples. In the first example, we're going to do a global time release. What this means is everyone who is taking the exam will go through the exam at the exact same schedule calendar-wise. So if I start the exam on January 1st and someone start the exam on February 1st, if the schedule is set to start January 1st, then the person starting February 1st will be able to catch up. It's easier to explain with the example. So what we're going to have here is we're going to assign sequence because you want to make sure that the questions are in order you have determined. So by default, everything's one. Because I actually don't care about the sequence, I'm just going to click on update and the system just use a natural order to display to create the sequence. Now I can go back to the time release and you can see everyone had the same with a global time release. I can literally say okay on January 1st, everyone gets the first question. January 8th, everyone gets the second question. January 15th, everyone gets the third question. As you can see here, everyone goes through the exam with the same schedule so that if someone starts the exam on January 15th, they will have three questions open up for them. Whereas if someone who start at January 1st, they will get one question a week. So this is what we refer to as a global time release which is very useful if you want to make sure that everyone finishes the exam at exact same time. For example, if you have a product that you want to make people use that is guaranteed to finish before a major event, you want to use a time release, a global time release. Or if for example, all the users taking a course or taking exam is in the same class with the same graduation date, you want them to go at the same pace so nobody finishes ahead of someone else. Obviously, you can have more than one question available on the same day. You can also have question that's available in a lot faster pace than one a week. As you can see, you can literally plan out your calendar for everyone who is taking this exam. So this is a global time release. And we'll go over the staggered time release in the next video tutorial.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker explains two methods for releasing exam questions: global time release and staggered time release. In a global time release, all students taking the exam follow the same schedule. Questions are assigned a sequence number, and they are released to everyone on specific dates. For example, on January 1st, everyone receives the first question, and on January 8th, everyone receives the second question. This method ensures that all participants finish the exam at the same time. It is useful for products or courses with a set graduation date. The speaker also mentions that more than one question can be released on the same day, and the frequency of question releases can be adjusted faster than once a week. The next video tutorial will explain staggered time release. No credits are mentioned.
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exam questions
global time release
staggered time release
sequence number
specific dates
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