Assessment Exam - Spaced Learning Theory
Use Case Explained
Use Case Explained
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Video Transcription
you want to create a exam with x number of questions except that the question become available to the user based on the day where for example first day the user will get the first question one week later on day eight the user will get the second question so in a way the question from one to x is pushed to the user one week apart obviously you don't have to be one week apart but the idea is question become available to the user over a period of time and the user cannot rush through the exam in one sitting this is popularized by the space learning theory and is available in oasis as a part of the assessment exam mechanic and this video tutorial will show how to set up such a exam
Video Summary
In this video tutorial, the speaker explains how to set up an exam where questions are released to the user over a period of time, based on specific days. The concept is inspired by spaced learning theory, which suggests that information is better retained when learned in intervals. The speaker mentions that this feature is available in Oasis as part of the assessment exam mechanic. The tutorial will guide viewers through the process of creating such an exam. No credits were mentioned in the transcript.
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video tutorial
exam setup
spaced learning theory
Oasis assessment exam mechanic
creating exam
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