Assessment Exam - Spaced Learning Theory
User Experience and Schedule Override
User Experience and Schedule Override
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Video Transcription
To set up the product, we're going to show what the user experience looks like. So I logged in as a user, and I start the question of the week. And notice that the user will see how many questions there are, and they will see that right now only one is opened up. So notice that earlier I set up 0.25, and this one I set up 1, to show that if you happen to have more questions in week 5, you could give them more points. So because each week's question set is its own unit, they do not have to be uniform, even though it probably should. So let's just do the question 1. So let's just start the question, and I'm just going to – this is just one question. So – and then – oh, I failed. So I'm not going to be able to receive the credit that's associated with the first week. And then I'll wait for the next week to try to get the points for next week. So now imagine you did this, and then someone called to say, hey, there's something wrong with my schedule. So I'm going to switch to a different browser to show you how to change the schedule for a particular user. So we go back to this user, we go back to the DRIP schedule, and there is a schedule override. So you can say, okay, for week 2, I am going to select the user that is doing this schedule, and I want to move it up to say that this is available date. Keep in mind, normally, this would be available in 7 days. I can say I want to make it available now, okay? So I change it to today's date. Now over here, if I refresh, you can see that this opens up for the user. So you can see that even though the schedule is set as soon as the user starts the product, occasionally for user support, you have the flexibility of moving the available date of a particular chat course for a user to any date. This is something that you cannot do for Variety 1, where the questions are sort of set within the internal schedule at the question level and not at the chat course level. So that's sort of the one thing that you can do with this.
Video Summary
The video demonstrates the user experience of a product, focusing on setting up and changing the schedule for a particular user. The narrator logs in as a user and starts the "question of the week" activity, showing the number of questions available. The narrator explains that each week's question set can have different point values. The video also shows how to change the schedule for a user by using a schedule override feature, allowing flexibility in adjusting the availability date for a specific chat course. This feature is not available in Variety 1, where questions are set within the internal schedule at the question level. No credits granted.
Meta Tag
Creation Year
user experience
product setup
schedule change
question of the week
schedule override
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