CPE Monitoring Integration
2 - Caveat about activity date
2 - Caveat about activity date
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Assuming you have set up your course with the correct UAN number, when the user is about to claim the credit, and when they click on claim, the user, him or herself, will have to enter two pieces of information. The CPE EPID, which they should know, and their date of birth, which they should also know. These two information is considered as user information. As you can see here, when OASIS submits this credit to CPE monitoring, OASIS actually submits three pieces of information. The UAN number, which you have set at the activity level, the user information, which the user provides, and the activity date. This activity date is a source of a lot of trouble because CPE monitoring will reject any credit claim for an activity date that is outside of the date that you have registered in CPE monitoring. What does that actually mean? This means if you registered your course in CPE monitoring with, for example, September 5th, 2023, that means you must, must, must, put this date as a date in this particular field. So here we go. In this particular field, call the activity date. If you leave it empty, OASIS will not know what date to use when OASIS calls the API. And the one that happens, so keep in mind, OASIS must provide the activity date. And if I don't know the date, because you did not put the date in the system, OASIS will use today's date. And today's date, meaning the date the user is claiming the credit. Now, if today's date is October 17th, 2023, but you have registered the course in CPE monitor as the date of September 5th, 2023, CPE monitor will reject this integration API call because I am sending the date that is different from the date that you registered with them. There's only two ways to fix it. Put the date that you have entered in CPE monitor as the date when you set up the course, or when you set up the course in CPE monitor, significantly increase the date range so that the date range for this activity, let's say, encompass a million years, so that there's absolutely no way any user who submit a credit will fall outside of the date for validation. This is very, very important because if you leave it empty, if you leave this field empty, OASIS will use today's date, one called the API, and there's a strong chance it's going to fail if the activity registered in CPE monitor is outside of the date. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker explains the importance of entering the correct activity date when claiming credit for a course in CPE monitoring. Users must enter their CPE EPID and date of birth, which is considered user information. OASIS submits three pieces of information to CPE monitoring: the UAN number, user information, and activity date. The activity date must match the date registered in CPE monitoring, or the API call will be rejected. If the activity date is left empty, OASIS will use today's date, which may cause issues if it differs from the registered date. It is crucial to ensure the correct date is entered to avoid failures in the integration API call.
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Creation Year
activity date
CPE monitoring
user information
integration API call
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