Catalog Setup and Configuration
5. Public Menu
5. Public Menu
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Video Transcription
In addition to having a customizable logo that you can upload to OASIS which show up at the top you can also add a menu that matches your main website so that there is a consistent look and feel when the user go from your main home page to the learning management system in order to add the menu bar at the top simply switch to admin view go to tools and configuration under text and public menu there is a format that you follow you do the title first and then in the curly braces you do the URL note that the bracket here is just for to make the text pop you don't have to actually put the bracket as the example I'm just going to copy this as you can see we're going to have one two three four five five uh... things across the top and each one have a direct link so I'm going to click on update and I'm just going to jump over to the learner view to show this is what the learner sees so you see a menu bar will show up at the top and uh... when they click on it you will go open a different page now you can also add sub menus to this and then we're going to show an example of how that works to add a sub menu simply put dash dash in front of the menu where it needs to be indented in this example let's just add a few things under the first menu item and the rest of the sub explanatory so we're just going to see here notice that we just make some dummy ones say membership one two three four the idea is to show you that's just an example so if we copy this here then we're going to switch to the learner view notice that the drop down menu shows up so if uh... you want a drop down menu you can easily add that through the configuration page this concludes a quick walkthrough on how to set up menus across the top
Video Summary
The video provides a tutorial on how to customize the logo and menu of a learning management system called OASIS. By uploading a custom logo, users can create a consistent look and feel between their website and the system. To add a menu, users need to switch to admin view, go to tools and configuration, and navigate to the text and public menu section. Users can then add menu items by providing a title and URL. The video also demonstrates how to add submenus by using dashes to indent the menu items. The tutorial concludes by showing how the menus appear to learners and how dropdown menus can be added. No credits were mentioned.
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customize logo
customize menu
learning management system
dropdown menus
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