Catalog Setup and Configuration
6. Special Course Promotion
6. Special Course Promotion
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Video Transcription
This video walkthrough will go through how to make one of your course more noticeable on the catalog. Typically you do this for a course that's a little bit bigger and a little bit more important than other courses in our catalog. So we're just going to go to Login as Administrator and go to Course and suppose that this particular course is what we want to bring people's attention to. Right now I'm just going to copy the text and I'm just going to go to Learner View to show you that right now it's really difficult to see this course. User can obviously do a quick search and find it, but that's pretty much the only way that the user can see this course. So there's a few ways you can bring attention to the course. The first thing you can do is you can go to the course and you can make it a featured course. So I'm going to click on Featured Content, click on Update. Then when you go to Learner View, on the catalog it's going to show up right here. So this is a good way to make sure that it's something at the very top. Another way you can bring people's attention is you can create a banner at the very top. So you can go to Public Catalog Setting, Catalog Banner, and you can add a banner. So we can say, Take User to a Course on the Site, and we will select the Hot Topic, and we are going to use our own banner. So we're just going to use this banner, and let's say we want to advertise it both before the user login and after the user login. So click on Save. So now what happens is when the user switch over to the Learner View, they're going to see a banner at the very top. You can have as many banners as you want so that this banner could have more things described on it than what OASIS automatically displays on the featured tile. And it will also help if you have a lot of things on the featured list, it will allow something to stand out. A couple other ways that you can make things more noticeable. You can also turn on Cover Image. So you go to Course Layout, and you say, I want all the courses to have a cover image. And when you do that, you can go to your course, and you can click on Edit, and you can add a cover image to your course. So let's do that. So we're just going to give our course a cover image. So now that we created a cover image, if we switch over to Learner View, you'll see that you can create a cover image right here. You can obviously play around with Style Sheet so that things look good. But the idea here is not only can you display the information, you can also display an image next to your course. This typically is turned on by default, but we purposely turn it off so that we can turn it back on so that you can see where you can control this. And lastly is, suppose this is a few good ways to make the course more noticeable when the user is already on the catalog. What can you do to make the user find out about the course without coming to the catalog? In addition to having great search engine optimization, we also allow you to create various links to the particular course. For example, because we're tracking product code, and we assigned Hot Topic 2018 as a product code for this course, there are automatically two links that's going to be given to you by default. One is the domain name, then URL, then product, and the product code. So this is the URL you can give to the user if they do not have an account with your system so they can see the course information without logging in. Another one is URL slash authenticated slash product slash Hot Topic, which allow users to click on if they have a login. So with this two URL, you can take the URL, and then you can give this URL to people, and they will be able to click on it and directly access the course. So if we have a user that have not logged in, if you give them the URL, they will be able to see this page, and they can log in. So this is what we call the public link that you can give out so that they can see a brief description of the course before they access the course. If you give people the link that has authenticated in it, when they click on it, they have to actually log in before they see the course. So those are the two difference between the two links that's automatically created by the system. In addition, you can set up permalink. So we have actually set up a couple of permalink under course detail. If you click on permalink, you can create permalink. So we created one called the Hot Topic 2018 Facebook, another one called Twitter. So you can always create new ones. Let's say you have another one on Instagram. So this way, you can actually track where the user come from by posting different links to different marketing channels, yet let the system track which channel they were in when they click on the link to get to the course. So for example, if I take this link, I copy the address, and I go to this browser. So not only the user can click on the link and get to the course, if I go back to my page and I click on permalink again, you notice that the system tracks one user click the link using the Twitter link, another one click on the link using Facebook, and that's 50% of the traffic on both of the channels, and we didn't get any traffic from Instagram. So there's one last thing you can do. You can click on configuration, and you can have a special banner just for that course. So you can click on edit. So we want to show you what it looks like before and after we create a banner. If we don't have a banner, when the user go to the course, so we're just going to open a new window to show you what it looks like. So this is what it looks like by default. Any course will have the website banner at the top. Now, we can say this is a course significant enough that we want to give it its own banner, and we're just going to reuse the banner we have on the catalog. We're going to click on upload. Now, when the user log in and they go to the course, the banner at the top have been changed to a course-specific banner. This way, if a course is big enough and the user spend a lot of time on this particular course, they can see a banner very specific to the particular course instead of your overall site banner. And you could potentially have different messages here based on where the course is at. If it's a course that expires, you can put different messages on the banner. So that is the end of a quick video walkthrough on how to market a course and make a course stand out on the website.
Video Summary
The video walkthrough explains how to make a course more noticeable in the catalog. It demonstrates several methods, including making the course a featured course, adding a banner at the top of the catalog, enabling cover images for courses, and creating links to the course that can be shared externally. The video also mentions the ability to set up permalinks for tracking the source of traffic and configuring a special banner for a specific course. These techniques aim to enhance the visibility and attractiveness of a course on the website. There are no credits mentioned in the video.
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course visibility
catalog optimization
featured course
cover images for courses
external course links
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