Catalog Setup and Configuration
8. Search Criteria with Course Groups
8. Search Criteria with Course Groups
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Video Transcription
In this video tutorial, we'll go over how to use course groups to automatically set up search criteria on the catalog. So just so that we're on the same page, the automatic catalog setup that I am referring to is this section right here, where my mouse is circling. So the first thing I want to do is I want to, let's say, set up on the public catalog, let me just set up one criteria, okay? And let's call this criteria course by credit types. So we'll call it by, oh, there we go, by credit types. And I'll make it the first one on the list. And I will click on save. So normally, oh, let's say the first one is CME, and another one is, let's say, MOC. Just not going to get too complicated. So normally when you do this, you have to click on add, and then you add which course offers CME. So in this example, I'm going to show how to make it a little bit easier. So what we're going to do here is we're going to, oh, we're going to go to course, course groups, and let's just open a new tab. So we're going to say all courses that offers CME. So I can obviously manually create a course group, and then just put the group in there. But the purpose of this tutorial to show how you can use a rule to set up this group. And inside this rule, you can say that I will include other groups, I will include other courses whose creditization contains CME, okay? So there are 58 courses that match the rule. And let's say I'm going to create another course group called all courses that offers MOC. And what I'm going to highlight here is the rule can be more than one. So I'm going to say credit type contains ABAM version of the MOC, and credit contains ABP version of the MOC. There we go. And I'm going to say match any. So that way, there are 22 match this rule and 16 match this rule, and I'm assuming that there are six that offers both. So the overlap is 22, okay? Now what we're going to do is we're going to switch to the other browser. Let's just refresh it, okay? So for the CME, I'm going to click on here. I'm going to say, oh, I cannot change it. So I'm going to delete it and then recreate them. Okay, I just deleted them. So this time, I'm going to say CME. Notice that the mapping, instead of course, I'm going to say course groups. Then I can click on add. I will say these 58 courses automatically show up, okay? And the 37 plus one just means that there are 37 public courses and the one private course that match the rule. And I'm going to also say MOC, also group, save, and then I can add here. And notice that I can have more than one group that match to a criteria. So this can get very, very sophisticated. So now that I have done that, I'm going to come over here. I'm going to just refresh the catalog. You'll see that this shows up and because it's a 3720, because these are the public courses and the one that's not showing up, I must not have been enrolled. So what's really nice about this is imagine I take one out, okay? So let's go to the group and offer CME. And notice the one is already retired and published, but we only display the one that's published. So you can see this is 58, even though only 30 is displayed. So let's say I want to change something on this. So let's add a rule, add a new rule. Let's say it is expiration date. Let's say course price, okay, is greater than, let's say for member price, is greater than $0. That just means it's not free, right? So I'm going to click on save. So notice that the nine match the rule, okay? Now if I come here and then refresh, you'll see that the 37 over here, as a matter of fact, it changed for me completely because I'm not a member, so it just disappeared. So notice how the rule is automatically applied in real time. And since my account is a non-member, I'm just going to change this to non-member, click on save. There we go. So I'm going to click on refresh. So there we go, now it's showing up. So pricing is something that you have to play around with because the pricing has this idea of member versus non-member. But you can see, you can set up rules for a course group and then that rule is going to be automatically applied on the catalog. The final thing that's going to make it even more powerful is that this concept applies to the keyword as well. So for example, I go to this course and I will apply a keyword to it. I'm going to say, so this is actually a keyword, I need the meta tag, there we go. I'm going to say this one is, let's say, target audience, let's say it's, I don't know, residence. So I'm going to set this up. If I have all my courses tagged this way, what I will be able to do is, let me just go to the group, I can say, I'm going to set up a group called courses for residence. I'm going to set up a rule and for the rule, I'm going to say it's based on the meta of the course, it has to be equal, it is the target audience, and it has to be residence. I click on save. There's only one course, then that's just because we just set that one up. And then what I can do is, notice here, I can say here, I'm going to add this one to it as well. So I'm just showing an example of one search criteria, it can have more than one group mapped to it. So now if I refresh the screen here, there's going to be 11, and it was 10, and now it's 11, and if I go to it, I forgot which one I changed, but it's the one that I flagged as residence. So this is an example of how you can use a rule to set up a course group, and then you can map one or more course groups to a search criteria.
Video Summary
The video tutorial explains how to use course groups to set up search criteria on the catalog automatically. The instructor demonstrates how to create criteria such as "course by credit types," where they add CME and MOC as options. Instead of manually adding courses that offer CME, the instructor shows how to create a rule that includes other courses with CME creditization. They also highlight that multiple rules can be used in a single course group. The tutorial also explores how to apply rules in real time and mentions the possibility of applying rules to keywords as well. No specific credits are mentioned in the video.
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video tutorial
course groups
search criteria
automatic setup
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