Certification Process
Certification Manager
Certification Manager
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Welcome. This is a tour of the Certification Manager. To get there, we need to go click on Tools, Lists, Certifications. The manager configures and defines the settings for the certification process. Let's begin with creating a new certification. Let's name our new certification Demonstration Certification. I'm just going to copy the name for the description field, but please feel free to exercise more creativity in this field. Certification Code. For certain setups, this is a very specific certification code. If you are one of those specific setups, please refer to supporting documents for the codes. Otherwise, this needs to be any unique string. In the meantime, I'm going to use Demo for this certification code. Display Order is a way for you to organize the list. For my demo, I'm going to make this number one, so it will be easy to find. The valid four is the amount of time in years when the certification is in effect. I'm going to use five years for my demo, and so for my certification, it is going to be valid for five years. The certification before expiration is the amount of time before a certification expires that marks the beginning of the recertification window. For this demo, I am going to say 12 months. That means one year before my certification expires, I can go ahead and recertify. The certification after expiration is the grace period after the certification has expired that also marks the end of the recertification period window. So for my demo, I'm going to say six months. That means I have six months after expiration to renew my certification. Now we're going to go ahead and click save. Clicking on the certification name will open the certification details. The information we have configured can be found here and can be edited at any time. Note that revisions are not retroactive and will only affect future candidates after the revision has been made. We can turn on the certificate by toggling this switch. The certificate will be available for download to any candidate who fulfills the certification requirement. We can use the system default by clicking here, or you can go ahead and design a specific certificate for this specific certification. If you need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to support at oasis-lms.com. We are going to go ahead and click save. Down here are two tabs, the user certifications. This is where we can see all the users who are in the process of certification. This is currently empty because this certification is new. The other tab is the certification requirement tab. This tab is where we will put the course that is required to complete the certification. Click add certification requirement and you can search for the course that needs to be completed to be considered certified by typing the title below. So we can say certification requirement. That's what I need my course. So we are just going to click the box to select it and click add certification requirement button. The criteria for a user to be certified in the demonstration certification now depends on completion of the certification requirement demo course. You can have more than one course requirement. If that is the case, completion of all course requirements will be necessary to be certified. We need to do one more thing to make sure that the certificate is being generated correctly. Let's go ahead and click certification requirement demo. This will bring us to the course details. We need to go to the right under toolbox and go to settings. We need to toggle the use certification certificate to on right here. Now it maps this course to the certification that we have configured earlier. That's the setup for certification manager. Thanks for watching.
Video Summary
This video provides a tour of the Certification Manager tool. The process starts by clicking on Tools, Lists, Certifications to access the manager. The video demonstrates how to create a new certification by specifying its name, code, display order, validity period, recertification window, and expiration grace period. The settings can be saved and edited later. The video also shows how to toggle the certificate on or off and design a specific certificate. The Certification Manager allows users to track candidates' progress and requirements for certification. The video concludes by mentioning support options. No credits are granted in the video.
Asset Caption
How to set-up and manage the certifications
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Creation Year
Certification Manager
create certification
toggle certificate
track progress
support options
PCI Certification
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