Certification Process
User Certification Fields
User Certification Fields
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Video Transcription
Hi, this video is an explainer on user certifications. From the dashboard, let's go to Certifications, Tools, Lists, Certifications. Let's click on the certification name. It opens the certification information page. Down here, we will see that each certification has a certification requirement course or courses depending on your setup. So for this particular certification, this is the certification requirement course. The fields in the user certification is based on the progress of the certification requirement course. So let's dive in. The first field is the username. Next is the user email. Clicking on either of these two will open the user information details like so. If you open link in new tab, we can see it brings us to the information page of the user. Let's go back. When the certification requirement course is started, the application date is populated with the start date. When the certification requirement course is completed, the certified date and effective date will be populated. The expiration date is equivalent to the certification and or effective dates plus the amount of years the certification is valid for. The certification number is a unique number based on the course requirement and the user. The status monitors if the user certification is active or inactive. The green download icon lets an admin download a copy of the certificate if the candidate is already certified. If it, like this one, it is inactive, if you download the icon, the certificate button, you will only get a blank certificate. The pencil icon allows the admin to edit the certification fields. You could change all the dates. You could enter a new certification number if this is necessary for your process. The X icon is to delete the user certification record. Deletion is final and irreversible. So for the certified date and effective date, this can be modified to a different date other than the completion of the certification requirement course. You can go to the advanced tools of any course and configure it this way. So let me show you how I will configure the certified date to be populated after I complete an assessment exam, not based on the completion of my certification requirement course. So let's go to the course list right here. Let me choose an assessment exam. So I'm just going to filter to assessment exam. And I'm going to choose level one, quality control inspector certification exam. If I want my certified date to coincide with my candidates finishing this course, I will simply go to the advanced tools under toolbox right here. On the right, it's the last button. I will click on that and I will choose course. And I will choose course trigger. My triggering action will be completion of this course when learner completes this course. My triggered action would be update user certification. And my certification will be level one, quality control technician inspector. And the field to update will be the certified date. You could also choose effective date, but for my use case, I want to be certified date. And it will populate from course completion date. That means that my field in the certification list manager will be populated when this particular assessment exam has been completed. I will click save and we have the certified field populating based on this date that this is completed. That is the end of user certifications. Thanks for watching.
Video Summary
The video explains user certifications and how they are managed through the dashboard. It demonstrates how to access certification information and the fields associated with each certification. It also explains the purpose of each field, such as username, user email, and certification dates. The video shows how administrators can download certificates, edit certification details, and delete user certification records. Additionally, it explains how the certified date can be customized based on different triggers, such as completing an assessment exam. The video concludes by thanking viewers for watching. No credits were provided.
Asset Caption
A more advanced setting on how to change the different fields in the user certification by using Course Tirggers.
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user certifications
certification information
certification fields
certification management
PCI Certification
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