Collecting User Profile Data
3 - Including User Profile in Downloadable Reports
3 - Including User Profile in Downloadable Reports
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Video Transcription
In addition to search your user based on user profile, you can also click on individual users, and you can clear the data, or you can make changes to what the user has answered. Keep in mind that when you clear the user's profile data by clicking on here, the user will have to fill it out the next time they log in. In addition, any time you are downloading user's information, you will see that the user profile is an option for you to check, and if you keep it checked, all the user profile data is going to be part of your Excel file. This is available everywhere where user data is concerned. So for example, let's say I'm going to go to this particular course, if I come over here, and if I want to export, you will see the user profile is also a checkbox that you can include in your Excel file. So the idea is, if you enable user profile, the data is always going to be part of the Excel file for every single download that includes user data. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker explains how to manage user profiles within a system. They mention that users can be searched based on their profiles, and individual profiles can also be accessed. The video demonstrates how to clear user data and make changes to user answers. When downloading user information, the user profile can be selected to be included in the Excel file. Enabling user profiles ensures that profile data is always included in every download that involves user data. The video concludes by expressing gratitude. No credits were granted.
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clear user data
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