Completing a bundle course
1 - Completing a bundle with Evaluation and Certif ...
1 - Completing a bundle with Evaluation and Certificate
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Video Transcription
Hello, this video tutorial talk about how you can set up a bundle for completion. In this example, American Business Pathway Honor Program, it has three courses bundled inside. Note that if you do not need to share these three courses with another bundle or have it as a standalone course, you will probably set this up as a multi-part course and this video tutorial will not even be applicable. So suppose that you do need to share these courses or sell them individually, which is why you create a bundle, you want to be able to set up a rule so that when the user complete, say they receive a certificate for finishing the entire thing. Okay, so if that's what we want to do, I'm going to go to manage feature, I'm going to enable evaluation and the certificate upon their completion. And I will also, now that I enabled the evaluation, I'm just going to create some evaluation. So I'm just going to grab something that already exists. Okay, so that's what we're going to do. And I'm going to copy the name of this course. I have another browser open, John Payton, who is going to be taking this course. I actually have already given him purchase, manual purchase, so he can start this course right away. So here is three courses that is part of the bundle, and there's evaluation that's going to open up when the user have finished all three. I'm going to pause the video so that I can reach the point where all three things are finished. Okay, at this point, I have finished the last, the first two, and I actually reached the point where I can just submit the last post-test. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to submit, okay. And notice when I go back to my bundle, the system says, oh, you need to do the evaluation, which is right here. And the user has already finished the three things inside the bundle. So I'm just going to quickly do the evaluation. And then notice I can also download a certificate. Not only that, I can download the certificate for, that's associated with completing the bundle. I can also go into each course, and if they happen to have a certificate, I will be able to download those as well. So it is possible if you have a certificate at the bundle level and certificate at the course that's in the bundle, then in my example, you will have four certificate that's downloadable. One, two, three, and four. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video tutorial, the presenter discusses how to set up a bundle for completion. They demonstrate using the American Business Pathway Honor Program as an example, which consists of three courses bundled together. The presenter explains that if the courses need to be shared or sold individually, a bundle must be created. They show how to set up a rule so that when users complete the entire bundle, they receive a certificate. The presenter shows the process of enabling evaluation and the certificate upon completion. They also demonstrate how to download certificates associated with completing the bundle and individual courses within the bundle. The video concludes by summarizing the possibility of having four downloadable certificates in the given example.
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video tutorial
bundle for completion
American Business Pathway Honor Program
certificate upon completion
downloadable certificates
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