Configuration Options on User Home Page
1 - Customizing default cover image
1 - Customizing default cover image
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Video Transcription
In this set of video tutorials, we will go over a few options at your disposal in order to customize the user experience when they interact with your courses. The first video tutorial, we're going to focus on the cover image that's displayed to the user, both when they are on their homepage or when they're on their catalog. These are the cover images. Now, keep in mind in Oasis, if you go to the dashboard, course layout, the default cover image is displayed here. You can, if you want, turn off cover image, which we don't necessarily recommend you doing because you lose the opportunity to really dress up your courses. But if your audience are captured and captured as in they don't have a choice but to take your courses, then you may not need to dress up your courses. But this video tutorial, we'll talk about how to update the default cover image. Remember, any course can have its own custom cover image, but if you don't upload a cover image, default cover image is used. In this case, I'm just going to change the cover image from a circle one to a square one. So I'm just going to select this one. So as you can see here, oh, sorry, I must select the wrong one. Let me go here. This is the square one. There we go. So now you can see that I've changed the default image. The default image will show up as a square one. So as you can see, you can change the default image to whatever you want. And then you can have a custom image for any courses that deserve its special cover image. Keep in mind that there is the whole concept of cover image gallery that we're not going to discuss in this video tutorial. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video tutorial series focuses on customizing user experience in courses. The first video teaches how to manage cover images displayed on homepages and catalogs. Default cover images can be altered in the Oasis dashboard under course layout. While it's not recommended to turn off images, as they enhance the course's appeal, it's possible if courses are mandatory for the audience. Users can set a universal default or custom cover images for specific courses, such as changing a circular default image to a square one. The concept of a cover image gallery will be addressed in another tutorial.
customizing user experience
cover images
Oasis dashboard
course layout
tutorial series
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