Coordinator-Defined Practice Exam
1 - The business use case for a Coordinator-Define ...
1 - The business use case for a Coordinator-Defined Practice Exam
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Video Transcription
In this video tutorial, we'll talk about a third variety of practice exam. As you probably already know, in OASIS, you can do a user-defined practice exam or an admin-defined practice exam. And if you're not familiar with these two concepts, please refer to the links in this tutorial where we'll link to the existing tutorials on these two types of practice exams. But with that said, I would like to just quickly remind everybody what is a user-defined practice exam and what is an admin-defined practice exam. So over here, when I click on this icon right here, it's going to take me to a user-defined practice exam. The reason it's a user-defined practice exam is the fact that you can, as a learner, you can essentially select every single rule that's going to be used to set up this exam. So let's say I want just that many questions and give myself 60 minutes. As you can see, user will walk through a wizard to create the makeup or the mechanics of the exam. That is a user-defined exam, practice exam. Now, as admin-defined practice exam, here's an example where, as a learner, when I click into it, when I click on this one right here, the system actually automatically walks through the wizard for the user based on the rules that the administrator has already created. So each student might get a different set of questions based on, you know, just the randomness of the question that's being pulled from the whole question bank that you have. But the rules that's being followed is the same for everybody. So as you can see, these are the two types of practice exam that OASIS has been supporting for a while. But as you can imagine, the user-defined give infinite flexibility to let the user decide what kind of questions they want, which is probably the most personalized way of giving user access to the exam. The admin-defined is probably the most restrictive in the sense that you, as administrator, decided that here's the set of rules everybody receive. It is still a little bit more, I would say, variable just because if there's more questions in your bank that exceeds the number of questions required, everybody who is taking the exam will potentially receive a slightly different set of questions just because of the randomness of how the exam is generated. But everybody will essentially get the exam based on the same rules. The third variety is what we refer to as the coordinator-defined. We're going to call this 1.5 because it's a little bit more flexible, more personalizable than admin, but not as admin-defined, but not as personalizable as user-defined. The idea is you can delegate the configuration of the exam mechanics to the program coordinator and then assume that the program coordinator knows how their program, how their own students are, and create an exam based on what those students should be focused on. Keep in mind, this feature obviously is only applicable if your organization has enabled the program affiliation feature within OASIS. Otherwise, this entire tutorial is not applicable to you. Just keep in mind, my first video here just described what the tutorial is going to be about and why it is created and who is it applicable for. If after watching the tutorial, you realize, hey, you know what, even though I don't have the program affiliation enabled, it is something that I want to enable, please reach out to support because there's going to be a few setup questions we have. With that said, the next set of tutorials will go through step-by-step how to set up the course from various perspectives, both the admin perspective, where admin create a practice exam for coordinator to set up, and from coordinator's perspective on how the exam can be sort of personalized for their own program. And lastly, what the learner sees when the learner visits a course that is configured by their own program. So, with that said, we'll end the first video and continue with the next set. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video tutorial introduces a third type of practice exam in OASIS: the coordinator-defined exam. This new variant is more flexible than the admin-defined exam but less customizable than the user-defined exam. The program coordinator tailors the exam based on their students' needs, provided the organization has enabled the program affiliation feature. The video also explains user-defined exams, which allow learners to set their own parameters, and admin-defined exams, which follow preset rules. Future tutorials will cover setting up these exams from administrator and coordinator perspectives, as well as learner experiences.
coordinator-defined exam
user-defined exam
admin-defined exam
program affiliation
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