Coordinator-Defined Practice Exam
2 - Administrator setting up a Coordinator-Defined ...
2 - Administrator setting up a Coordinator-Defined Practice Exam
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Video Transcription
Now that we have talked about the idea behind why we created the coordinator-defined practice exam, let's log in as administrator and set one up. So when you log in as administrator, go to courses and add a new course. Coordinator-defined practice exam falls under assessment exam. So let's just call it program-specific practice exam, okay? Let's just call it practice, program, practice, all right? And I'm just going to make it private just so that it's easier for me to record this. As always, when you do a practice, when you do assessment exam, whether it's a regular assessment exam or a practice exam, you want to select topics, assuming that your question is in the item bank. So that's what I'm going to do, and I'm just going to select the topic that happens to be in my system. All right? I will just leave it $0, and I'm not going to check any boxes except the assessment exam. Now I'm going to select practice exam. I'm going to click on save and continue. And notice we have three options, admin-defined, coordinator-defined, and user-defined. So as you can see, coordinator-defined is in the middle because it offers sort of the flexibility that is between admin and user-defined. So that's what I'm going to select. But notice when you select, it's going to say, hey, the practice exam is going to setting is going to be managed by the coordinator. So I'm just going to click on save. And then what I'm going to do is I'm just going to create this exam by pulling the questions from an existing pool. So that's what I'm going to do. And exactly what goes into this product obviously doesn't matter. But as a matter of fact, I'm just going to do it a little bit faster by copy and pasting the ID directly in here. So just give me one second. I'm just going to quickly get a list of question IDs and copy and paste it here. Okay, one second. All right. So I'm just going to quickly grab all the questions that is used in, let me just go this one. Okay. And I'm just going to grab the question IDs, copy and paste. There we go. I'm going to confirm that I'm going to add this many questions. And I'm going to continue. All right. So now at this point, I have already created a practice exam that is coordinator defined. I put in almost 800 questions in it. And notice I did not set any settings. So the next step what I'm going to do is I will publish it. And then I will, my next recording is the coordinator's experience on how the coordinator can manage this particular exam. All right. So I'm going to step to the wizard. All right. So at this point, I have officially created a assessment exam that is typed practice exam and it's not configured by the administrator or the user, but instead it's going to be configured by the coordinator. So the next tutorial will show what the coordinator can do. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video explains how to set up a coordinator-defined practice exam within an online course system. First, log in as an administrator, add a course, and select the assessment exam category. Choose the coordinator-defined option for flexibility, and manage the practice exam setup. Import questions from an item bank by quickly copying and pasting question IDs. Once the exam is created, with around 800 questions, publish it. This setup allows the coordinator to manage exam settings, bridging the gap between administrator and user configurations. An upcoming tutorial will detail the coordinator’s management process.
practice exam
online course
assessment exam
item bank
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