Core Competency
1 - Concept behind Core Competency
1 - Concept behind Core Competency
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Video Transcription
This video is not a tutorial on how to set up this new feature. Instead, we're going to talk about the rationale behind a new feature that we're introducing. The idea here is, normally on your catalog, which my mouse is circling, you have products, product after product. You organize them, you tag them for searching, but at the end of the day, the learner's self-directed learning, it is still product-focused, as in you're trying to get the user into the right product. There's actually a lot of benefit in this particular approach. Strength is, this is actually how people used to do self-directed learning. They just come to your website, browse your catalog, find the product, and hopefully the product does what they want to do. The price and credit is also clearly listed because the user are engaging with a particular product. The start and the end of activity is also straightforward, and if you're watching this video, you're already doing this. But the weakness of this approach is that it's not always obvious if the learner's interested content is even in the product. Hopefully, you did a good job of describing what the product does so that the user have a high degree of confidence that the product they're about to buy does indeed have the snippet that they care about. Another weakness of this setup is that it leads to common complaints of, I can't find anything on the LMS. People complain about this, not because there isn't any content on the LMS, it's just that there's a mismatch between what they're looking for and what they're finding. So that is sort of the current state of what a typical setup looks like. So, we're not going to replace the catalog. We're just going to make the content more discoverable. But what does that actually mean? Imagine you have the same product, and each product have videos, PDFs, a mix of videos, a mix of PDFs. So, what you have is just a collection of product with content behind it. So, assuming this is your setup, we are going to take a content-first approach. So, by our definition, this approach, we're going to call it core competency. So, when the user are going through your content using this approach, we are going to say that they're searching your content by core competency. The step is we're going to identify which product will participate in the core competency, and the rationale is this approach may not be suitable for every product you have in the system. And then, after you select which product you're participating in the core competency, you have to tag the content to a core competency blueprint. That is how you allow the user to navigate a pool of content based on some blueprint, which we're going to show very soon. After you did the step 2 and step 3, you will be able to allow the user to search your content based on the core competency, knowing that the user's entitlement to the content in their search is still being enforced by the learning management system. So, that's a lot of words. Visually, what does that mean? This means OASIS allows you to take all your product, flag which one is participating, and then essentially lift all the asset out to say, out of all these, let's say I'm just going to take some as participating in my core competency search. When you do that, let's say you have only two columns of content that's participating, the user will search the content directly. But when the user finds what they're looking for and they click on the video, we are actually going to check to see if the user has access to the product that contains the video. That way, even though we are giving them direct access to search the content, we do not accidentally give them access to the content if they have not purchased that product with the content. So, that is the concept behind core competency, and the rest of the video will show how to set it up. Thank you.
Video Summary
This video discusses the rationale behind a new feature called "core competency" for organizing and discovering content on a learning management system (LMS). The current setup of product-focused learning on the LMS has both strengths and weaknesses. The new approach aims to make content more discoverable by allowing users to search based on core competencies. This involves identifying which products will participate in this approach, tagging the content to a core competency blueprint, and allowing users to search content based on core competencies. The video provides a visual representation of how this would work and mentions the importance of ensuring user entitlement to the content. The remainder of the video will demonstrate how to set up this feature. No credits were mentioned in the video.
Meta Tag
Creation Year
core competency
organizing content
discovering content
learning management system
product-focused learning
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