Core Competency
1 - The Concept Behind Delegation
1 - The Concept Behind Delegation
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Up to this point, we have discussed how an administrator can tag a learning asset to a category and or a learning objective So this is making the assumption that the administrator has already retrieved this tagging so that the administrator can just make the tag manually So I'm just going to draw a few lines to pretend that the administrator is making this tagging But oftentimes the administrator is not necessarily knowledgeable enough to perform this tagging So what you can also do is you can delegate the tagging responsibility to faculties So that you can say that faculty A can tag all the assets in a particular course And then the faculty is the one that is making this tagging And then when the faculty make the tagging directly, you're empowering the faculty to make this type of tagging in the system Without having to send the information to administrator for administrator to make the tag So in the video tutorial following, we'll show mechanically how OASIS can allow administrator to delegate faculties this particular responsibility Thank you
Video Summary
The video discussed how administrators can tag learning assets to categories and objectives. It assumes the administrators already have the necessary tagging information. However, administrators may not always possess the knowledge for this task. In such cases, tagging responsibilities can be delegated to faculties. This allows faculties, such as faculty A, to tag assets in a specific course directly, empowering them to make the tags without involving the administrator. The video tutorial that follows explains how OASIS facilitates this delegation of tagging responsibilities to faculties. Credits: None mentioned.
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