Core Competency
3 - Category Image and Learning Objective
3 - Category Image and Learning Objective
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Video Transcription
One quick note about tagging your content to the core competency. The core competency, as I shown earlier, needs to be one of the category that already exists in the system. I selected this four. In addition, you can actually select the category and you can actually add an image. This image we recommend 180 pixels wide and 180 pixels high. You don't have to have an image if you don't want, but we're just showing you where to put an image in case you have an image. Having an image will make things look slightly prettier when the user interacts with your core competency. That's first thing. Second thing about setup is if you have learning objective enabled, you could tag your content to the learning objective. For example, in this setup, I have learning objective under the category and the subcategory and subcategory. Because I have learning objective, I will be able to tag my content to the learning objective even though I do not have to.
Video Summary
This video provides instructions on tagging content to the core competency in a system. The core competency should be chosen from existing categories. Image upload is optional, but recommended for better user experience. Images should ideally be 180 pixels wide and 180 pixels high. Additionally, if the learning objective feature is enabled, content can be tagged to specific learning objectives within the chosen category and subcategories. It is not mandatory to tag content to a learning objective, but it is possible to do so. No credits were provided in the video.
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Creation Year
tagging content
core competency
existing categories
image upload
user experience
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