Core Competency
5 - User Experience
5 - User Experience
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Video Transcription
Suppose you have spent a lot of time tagging your content to your Core Competency Blueprint. What is the user experience? On the user side, there is a Core Competency Navigation. And as you can see, when the user clicks on it, the Core Competency will show up. If you happen to upload an image for your category, then it will display that image. In here, you can see that I have tagged 27 assets under General Concept, and me as a learner have already watched 6 of them. So notice this is what we talked about in the very beginning, where we are letting the user navigate your content, irregardless what product the content is in. And the user's access to those products is only checked when the user is ready to click into the asset. So, I can click on General Concept, and in my navigation tree, there are 3 topics under General Concept. So these are continued to display here, while all the content that matches General Concept are displayed here. Notice some of them are in Highlights of HeartRhythm 2019 product, some are in the Core Competency in EEP 2021 overview, and some of them are in different products. So as you can see here, we do let the user know what product the content lives under, but we are presenting all the content on one page. In addition, if the user has access to it, we are not going to display a dollar sign. If the user does not have access to it, they will display a dollar sign, so they know that this particular asset is matching his or her interest, but there is going to be a payment required. And if anything has already been watched, there is a little green check error. So, this is sort of the first introduction to the Core Competency. I will click one more time to navigate down the tree to show you. You can navigate on Level 1 and Level 2, and even go down to Level 3. At a certain point, I will reach the Leaf node, and I will have Learning Objectives. So these are Learning Objectives that is for invasive EP testing. And as you can see here, I can click into this Learning Objective, then I will find the content that addresses this Learning Objective. As I mentioned before, having content-mapped Learning Objective is a great way of helping the user to navigate down to exactly what they want to learn. So now, suppose I go back to Diagnostic Testing. There are quite a few content listed here. We have the flexibility for the user to say, hey, toggle it to just for free or already purchased, so that I don't care about things that I have not purchased. Or I can toggle to All Product, which is by default. That's the first option the user has. The next one is I can also group by product. When I click on Group by Product, it's actually going to list which content is under which product. So as you can see here, 2 live under this product. About 12 live under this product. I have access to them. And this one, I also have access to. So this just helps the user to group your content, matching the user's navigation within the core competency. If I click on General Concept, there's more content here. And if I click on Group by Product, you will notice that some of the products I don't have access to, I will have to make a purchase. But overall, this is how the user can interact with your content, not based on which product they should buy, but based on which content matches their interest within the core competency blueprint. And then after they find what they're looking for, is when they will decide to buy something or not.
Video Summary
The video discusses the user experience of navigating content within the Core Competency Blueprint. When users click on the Core Competency Navigation, they can see the relevant core competencies and corresponding images. The video explains how tagging assets and marking them as watched helps users navigate the content. It also highlights that the user's access to products is only checked when they click on an asset. The video demonstrates how users can navigate through different levels of content and access learning objectives. Users can also filter content based on purchase status and group it by product. The video emphasizes that users can explore content based on their interests before deciding to make a purchase. No credits were mentioned.
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user experience
content navigation
Core Competency Blueprint
tagging assets
access to products
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