Core Competency
7 - Customizing User Experience
7 - Customizing User Experience
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There is actually two layouts to the core competency navigation under tools Core competency you'll see that there are two layout there are tile layout and the tree layout and you can decide whichever is Default layout. So let's say it enable both and I say I want the tree layout to be the default In addition, you can decide where the core competency Sequence is along the navigation so you can click on manage And you can basically decide by default. It's at the bottom, but you can move it up So here as you can see you can move it up. I can move it. I'm just gonna keep it at the number three position And then you can also change the name so you can call it core competency you can call it core curriculum You can call it, you know browse by competency. Whatever you want to call it. I'll just call it core curriculum for now Okay, so now over here you'll see that it's called core curriculum. It's on the It's on the third position and the addition remember I changed it from tree view Tile view being default. I change the tree view being default. So if I click on this Now, this is the tree view So you can see you can click around and that this one actually is a drill down using the tree view on the left hand side and You'll be able to navigate this way and The learning objective is actually automatically folded now. So Thank you
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker discusses the different layouts for the core competency navigation under the tools section. They explain that there are two layout options: tile and tree. The user can choose which one is the default layout. Additionally, the speaker explains how the user can decide the position of the core competency sequence along the navigation. They demonstrate how to move it to a different position and change its name. The speaker also mentions that they changed the default view to be the tree view. They show how the tree view works for navigation and mention that the learning objectives are automatically folded. No credits were mentioned in the video.
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core competency navigation
default layout
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