Creating Courses by Use Case
2 - Adding/Importing Flashcards
2 - Adding/Importing Flashcards
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now that I have set up a flashcard with the flashcard as the use case I'm going to populate some content I'm going to add two cards first is going to be let's say algebra algebra okay and next one I'm going to do geometry here we go geometry there you go and then I'm going to populate a few flashcard in there first I'm going to say add new flashcard and what I will do is notice the system only allow you to add a flashcard it does not allow you to add anything else except a flashcard because the use case says it's a flashcard the name doesn't matter I'm just going to have flash one and for the front I'm going to say one plus one since this is algebra and the back I'm going to say two here we go I'm just going to add one more let's say one minus one and the back is going to say zero as you can see here you can oh sorry flash two okay keep in mind that the name of the asset is not displayed to the user notice that for the flashcard you can also put videos or images or not but in this case I'm just going to keep it simple so that's one way you can put actual flashcards into your decks another way you can do it is you can import your flashcards so in this case I'm just going to import using text only template you can also import a zip file that has images so I'm going to come here I'm going to download the template okay just so that you can see this is the Excel file okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to keep the flashcard name empty I'm going to say what is the what is the color of the sky I'm going to sit back is blue and say what is the color of the Sun I'm going to say red and say what is the color of the moon and I'm going to say it is let's just say white okay there we go I'm going to save it as a sample flashcard okay it's just three cards in the Excel file and the one I'm going to do is I'm going to select this one validate it all validates I'm going to I'm going to the next I'm going to upload some flashcard with images just so that everyone can see an example so here we go I'm going to oh I'm going to unzip it just so you can see what is in there okay so you see that it has a flat Excel file and assets so I'm gonna say flashcards with images okay and you will see in here our example already have a few examples of some flashcard that has text in the front text in the back right or text in the front image in the back or image in the front text in the back images in the front image in the back right so that give you enough varieties and you can definitely fill this out and then the actual asset is in this asset folder okay great so now I'm going to do is I'm just going to come over here I'm just going to sample flashcard give me one second I'm going to close my Excel file okay and I'm going to limit flashcards with images okay and I'm going to create a zip file I'm going to copy this path and I'm going to import it okay so he validates it he uploads and we're good to go so now if you come over here you can see here's all the flashcard has been uploaded obviously if you have thousands and thousands of flashcards you want to make sure that your zip file and your Excel file is super clean and accurate and the way upload it should just work now I'm just going to publish it remember I'm publishing a flashcard with two decks one it's called geometry that has two flashcard another I'm sorry first one is algebra has two flashcard second one is geometry that has seven flashcard next video tutorial will go over what the user experience looks like thank you
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker demonstrates how to set up and populate flashcards using a flashcard application. Two cards are added, one for algebra and one for geometry. The speaker explains that only flashcards can be added, and demonstrates adding two flashcards with algebra equations. The video then shows how flashcards can be imported using a text-only template or a zip file with images. The speaker imports a zip file with examples of flashcards containing text or images on the front and back. Lastly, the video mentions the publishing of two decks, one for algebra and one for geometry. The next tutorial will cover the user experience. No credits were mentioned.
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flashcard application
import flashcards
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