Creating Courses by Use Case
2 - Behind the scene on what wizard did
2 - Behind the scene on what wizard did
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Video Transcription
Now that we have used the new by use case wizard to set up this particular course, we want to highlight exactly what the wizard actually did, right? So the wizard set up a multi-part course and the wizard also created a list of child courses, one for each session, and he also attached credit for each session that's created, and if you click into the course you actually put the time and date that you entered. Lastly, he also put a cap as a cap for the multi-part course. So in a way, as you can see, by going through the wizard, Oasis is actually automatically create things and set settings for you, and typically for a course like this, you want to have evaluations, but because we don't know if you will or not, we did not ask the question in the wizard. So what I'm going to do here is I'm going to enable the evaluation, I will also enable the certificate, and then just for my demonstration purpose, I'm just going to add the simple evaluation. Just give me one second, so I'm just going to say, how do you like this course? And then I also want to show that under configuration, when you have evaluation, we actually automatically have a custom evaluation instruction, because our standard slash default evaluation instruction does not quite make sense in this particular use case. That's why the wizard automatically set a custom instruction. Now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to publish it, and that in my next recording, we'll go over what the user experience looks like when they go through this particular product. Oh, we did not set a price, so give me one second. So I just set the price, so now I'm just going to publish it. So now the course is published. Next recording, we'll go through what the user experience looks like. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video transcript explains how the new by use case wizard is used to set up a multi-part course. The wizard creates a list of child courses for each session, attaches credit for each session, and allows the user to enter the time and date. The wizard also sets a cap for the multi-part course. The transcript mentions that evaluations are typically included but were not asked in the wizard. The speaker enables the evaluation and certificate options manually and adds a simple evaluation question. The video concludes with the course being published, and the user experience will be discussed in the next recording.
Meta Tag
Creation Year
use case wizard
multi-part course
child courses
time and date
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