Creating Courses by Use Case
4 - End-to-end Example of a Flashcard Product
4 - End-to-end Example of a Flashcard Product
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Now that we have shown the high-level steps on how to use the new wizard to create a flashcard, we're going to go through an end-to-end example of setting up a fairly large flashcard product. So I'm going to use a particular site that might not have the exact same step as yours to set up a product, but I'm going to highlight the part that is applicable. So I want to click on add course. I'm going to select use case and I'm going to say it is a deck of flashcards that allows users to search and that will notify the user when a new flashcard is added. Here is where I'm just going to put a temporary name here for the illustration purpose. So I'm just going to say flashcard, flash, flash. Okay. And for now, I'm just going to put just any URL here to move on to the wizard and I'm just going to click on next. Here we go. So now I have officially set up a flashcard and when I go to content, as we've shown earlier, the management of what goes into the content will be narrowed because it is a flashcard product. So I'm just going to add a few decks. So I'm just going to say that I'm going to say stack one. Okay. One second. Oh, sorry. Stack two. So I clicked on it too many times. I'm going to stack three. Oh, stack three. Okay. And then stack four. All right. So remember, I'm adding four stacks and I'm just going to make the stack one, the first one. Okay. Now what I'm going to do is I actually have some flashcards already in a zip file. So I'm just going to go to stack one and then I'm going to show what is in my zip file. So I already did four zip file and I'm just going to go to one of them to show. So the stack one.xlsx is the data. So you can see that I have put the flashcard name, which is just a unique identifier. It's really optional. And I'm going to say that the front doesn't have any text, but the front is going to be images and the back is going to be the text and the back doesn't have any images. And notice that these images are basically what is displayed here. So I need to make sure that every image that I reference in the Excel file is part of the zip file, part of this folder. And then what I would do is I would zip it. And when I zip it, I get this one. And I'm not going to go through each one, but literally we did the exact same thing with all four folders. And then we have four zip files. Now that we have everything already laid out, I'm just going to import the flashcard. So it's a flashcard with images and I'm just going to import the zip file. Don't import the folder, import the zip file. Okay. If there's any mismatch with the data compared to your Excel file and what is in the zip folder, this validation step is going to scream at you. But in my case, I know that my images that are listed in the Excel file actually do exist in the zip file. So I'm just, oh, no, I don't need to upload again because I need to navigate to deck two and I'm going to import deck two. So here we go. So I'm basically recording the entire step from beginning to the end, even though your product may not have four decks in your flashcard product. But I just want to show sort of beginning to the end how long it takes, because as long as you have the Excel file and the images ready, it really shouldn't take more than 10 minutes. That's why I am recording the step-by-step on how to do this. So I'm uploading the third stack now. Okay. That one has 54 flashcards. We are almost there. And I'm going to do the last deck, which is a stack four. And I'm just going to import the last zip file here. All right, so make sure that you click on upload when you see the validation page, because the validation page basically letting you know that the data you have uploaded is valid. All right, so now that I have finished it, I'm just going to publish it. And for now, I'm just going to hide it so that I can publish. Okay, and I can test it. So here we go. Alrighty, I just published it, and I'm just going to access the course. So voila, this is your flashcard product, and I can click on stack one, and I can maximize, and I can navigate. Looks like some of the images are still being uploaded, but you can click on it to flip to see how everything looks. All right, so this is how I have shown from beginning to the end how you can upload a fairly large flashcard product by using our import tool, as long as you can get your data in the format that we use. Thank you.
Video Summary
The video demonstrates an end-to-end example of setting up a flashcard product using a new wizard. The instructor shows how to add a course and specify the use case. They set up four stacks of flashcards and import the flashcards from zip files containing Excel files and images. The instructor emphasizes the importance of ensuring that all referenced images in the Excel file are included in the zip file. After completing the import process for all four decks, they publish the flashcard product and demonstrate how to navigate and view the flashcards. The instructor concludes by highlighting the simplicity and efficiency of the import tool when the data is properly formatted.
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end-to-end example
flashcard product
new wizard
import process
data formatting
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