Custom Marketing Landing Page
Example 2 - Marketing Page for Multiple Products
Example 2 - Marketing Page for Multiple Products
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Video Transcription
In the earlier video, we talked about how to have a single display template that can be used for a single course. But suppose you have multiple courses and you want to have a single template that's used for multiple courses. I'm going to use three webinars as example. So I have three webinars for how to get COVID vaccine. So suppose I just go to the catalog and I'm searching for these courses. So I'm going to search for COVID. So I have these three webinars coming up, but when I click into it, there isn't anything sexy about the landing page. So suppose we want to do something about it. Okay. So what we're going to do is we're going to go to custom course template, and then we're going to create a new one. This time, since it's a webinar, I'm going to pick this one, but you can obviously do any other template you want. So I'm going to call this COVID webinars. And this is the default template. So let's say I want to change it a little bit. Let's say I don't have a logo. So I'm just going to delete this and I don't have a sort of a menu bar and I probably don't need this either. And for this lady, I'm going to change it to a vaccine logo. That should be good. I'm going to delete this section and delete this section. Okay. That should be good. Then I say three webinars for getting your vaccine, COVID vaccine. Okay. And then let's say how to get your vaccine. Okay. All right. So obviously this is not what I'm trying to provide a tutorial for. This is just setting out some wording, but what's most important here is I happen to have three placeholder and the date probably doesn't match, but it doesn't matter. What I'm trying to highlight is you can change the text here if you want, but what's most important is the button here. The button here needs to have, so now you cannot use call to action because there are three courses that's going to use this template. So call to action is not going to know which course you're talking about. So you had to do a little bit of a trickery on the URL. The URL that you put actually is whatever your domain name slash URL slash authenticated slash add to cart slash the product code. So let's just go to the admin site and let's go to part one. So that is the product code. So I'm going to copy that. I'm going to paste it there. So I'm going to also grab the beginning part of my website. I'm going to do that. So that'll be the URL for the first one. And because I know why I did, I know that for the second webinar, the code is COVID-19 underscore two. And obviously just sequentially I did the third one as COVID-19 three. So those are the codes and I'm going to use this URL and I'm going to come over here. I'm going to say, great. Same tab, take the user there. And then for the second one, take user there, same tab. Okay. The third one takes the user there. There we go. I'm going to come save, maybe save and preview. Okay. Let's see. Okay. Did I save? Okay. Save and preview. Okay. So, and these will take me to the link that I talked about. So now what we're going to do is I'm just going to switch the learner view. I type in COVID and any one of these, I click into it. Oh, I forgot that now that I set up the, now I set up the template, actually I have to associate it with the course. So I have to go to the course and select the display template as a COVID webinar. So, okay. I forgot which one I did. That was good. That's three. So I'm going to do two on one. There we go. Here we go. Webinar. And webinar. So now notice what I did is three courses are using the same template, which, you know, may not, may be a use case for you, may not, but I'm going to go to part one. So that's what you see here. And then I can click on reserve a seat. Then you're going to add it to the seat. You can go back. You can add another one. Part three, go to the same template. You select it. See, you just add it to the shopping cart. One word of caution though, depending, if you're not using Oasis built-in shopping cart, please test this before you push it live, because there might be complications with your integration. So just keep that in mind. But most of the time, the URL that I described, which is the URL slash authenticated slash add to cart slash the product code should work, but please test to make sure it does not break your integration. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker discusses how to create a single template for multiple courses. They use the example of three webinars on obtaining the COVID vaccine. The speaker demonstrates how to customize the landing page for these webinars by creating a new course template. They make changes like deleting sections, updating logos, and modifying text. They also explain how to create a button with a custom URL that adds the course to the shopping cart. The speaker emphasizes the importance of testing the integration with the shopping cart system before implementing the changes.
Meta Tag
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single template
multiple courses
COVID vaccine
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