Data Warehouse (Data Reporting, Made Easier)
Post-Test (Score, Lift, and Response)
Post-Test (Score, Lift, and Response)
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Video Transcription
After the engagement with your course, the next step the user might go through in their learning journey is the post exam, so I'm going to select this course as example. And I'm just going to go to exam and if you have downloaded the pre exam data, the post exam data will be almost identical. Click on the link for the post test. Here is a link that represent how many people have submitted. Divide by how many people have started. Keep in mind in a post test you have potential to attempt to download. The reason is that in Oasis, unless you set otherwise, the user can take the post test the first time. If they fail, they can take the exam the second time or the third time until they exhaust the number of attempt. Or even if they pass, they can still reset the exam and take it for fun. In Oasis, we track. The users first attempt and the users last attempt we refer to this as a current attempt. So as you can see, when you download, you could download the score or the response for each learner based on their first attempt or their most recent attempt. If a learner only tried to take the exam once, then the first attempt and the current attempt will have the same data for the responses and the score. Lastly, if a product has a pre-test and post-test, there's a little scale icon that you can click on that will show you the lift score for the exam, which compare how the user did in aggregate in pre-test and the post-test. Keep in mind this report is only valid if the pre-test and post-test share the same questions. Thank you.
Video Summary
After completing the course, users can take a post-exam, similar to the pre-exam if downloaded earlier. Typically, users can retake the post-exam multiple times in Oasis, with attempts tracked as "first" and "current." If a user only attempts once, both attempts reflect the same data. Users can view their score or response based on either attempt. A scale icon allows users to see the lift score, which compares overall performance between the pre-test and post-test. This is applicable if both tests have identical questions.
lift score
performance comparison
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