Delivering In-Service Exam
1-2. Pre-Exam User Experience
1-2. Pre-Exam User Experience
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Video Transcription
So I have logged in as a regular user, and I can type in the invitation code here, and I will be able to access the course right away. In addition, what you can do is, as administrator, you can set up a permalink to say, okay, anyone who want to access, let's say it's called in-service exam, and then the system's gonna give you the URL to use to hand it out to user. So let's do that. I can copy it, and on this browser, if I paste the URL directly into the browser, the system is going to come to this page, and I can enroll by invitation code. Now, I'm just going to type in an invitation code that's gonna allow me to get in. So I switch over to admin view, go to enrollment, and I'm just gonna change, I'm gonna add another code, because now this code, actually, the date will work for me. So let's say this one is, wait, 2014. There we go. So notice that if the user used this code, okay, is not gonna be able to log in. It's gonna say, hey, it has expired, right? So what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to use the one that I just created. All right, so now I can basically purchase this thing for free and I will be able to start the exam. So a few things. Because it's a pretest, the user don't see any feedback. So they will basically submit the exam. There is a countdown of how much time they have left, but they will basically go through the exam only knowing the fact that they have answered all the exams. They do not know how they did. Everything's in blue. They can definitely leave and come back later, but even though they leave, the timer's still running because they technically only have two hours to finish the exam because we set the timer. Now, for this demonstration purpose, I'm gonna switch over as admin view and I'm just gonna finish the exam for the user so that I can show what the user sees when they finally finish the exam. So I'm going to, as administrator, I go to user, I search for the user, I go to the user courses. And for the in-service exam, I could click on here and basically answer the exam by the key, but that will still take a while if it's a 100-question exam. So I just gonna click on here and I can say, just randomly answer the exam and give the user 85%. So that's done. I'm gonna switch browser to the learner's browser. So I'm just gonna go back out and then go back in. You notice that every single question has been answered. And then when I click on continue, it's gonna say, hey, do you want to proceed? I click on proceed and I'm officially done. Notice that the user have no idea how they did. It's a completely blind. The only thing they know is the fact that they have finished. So this is how an in-service exam will look like if you do it as a pre-test.
Video Summary
The video demonstrates how to access a course using an invitation code. The administrator can set up a permalink to share with users. The user must enter the invitation code to enroll. The video then shows how the exam looks from the user's perspective. It is a pretest, so there is no feedback during the exam. The user must answer all the questions within the time limit. The video concludes by showing how the administrator can finish the exam on behalf of the user and how the user sees the completed exam without knowing their score. This is an example of how an in-service exam would appear as a pre-test. No credits were granted in the video.
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accessing course
invitation code
setting up permalink
enrollment process
exam experience
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