Delivering In-Service Exam
1-3. Pre-Exam Default Settings
1-3. Pre-Exam Default Settings
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Suppose this user experience inside the in-service exam rendered as a pretest exam type is almost what you want, but you want to change some of the settings, you can, as administrator, you can go to, let's just go to the course, and we can have some configuration changes we can make. So go to the exam itself, and go to the advanced option, so you can have a few things. You can turn on the remediation, you can display the exam score, even though typically you don't. So as you can see here, there's a variety of, there's a variety of settings that you can overwrite against what OASIS typically do for a pretest. So you can see here, you can say display the score, display the graded answers, so you can do a few of those. So I'm just going to make one of the changes so that you can see how that will work. So I can say, hey, you know what, I will just display the score, and nothing else. So notice the way it displays score, it automatically displays graded answers. You can uncheck it if you want, so let's just uncheck it. So now I'm going to come back, I'm going to refresh the screen. You will notice the score is displayed to the user, but nothing else. So as you can see here, pretest and posttest is very similar, it's really just what are the default settings that's turned on for pretest versus what's the default setting turned on for posttest, right? So I'm just going to do one more change. So let's say, okay, I do want to display graded answers, update, I switch over, reload, you'll see that the answer is graded, but they still cannot click into it. The ability to click into it is called the review exam. So I can go here, I can say allow exam review, but as you can see, the more checkbox you do, the more the exam becomes a regular assessment instead of a pretest, right? So here, if I just reload, so now I can click into it and review the exam, which as you can see here, is almost becoming a regular self-assessment instead of a pretest. The only thing that you cannot override is that pretest does not have a passing score, whereas a regular assessment, you could have a passing score.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker explains how administrators can customize the settings for a pretest exam in an education system called OASIS. They demonstrate how to make changes such as displaying the exam score and allowing exam review. The video emphasizes that the more changes made, the more the pretest resembles a regular assessment. The speaker also notes that pretests do not have a passing score, unlike regular assessments. The video does not provide any specific credits.
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pretest exam
customize settings
exam score display
exam review
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