Delivering In-Service Exam
2-2. SAE Default Settings
2-2. SAE Default Settings
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Suppose self-assessment method is what you want, except that you don't want to show everything. Just like a pre-test, you can overwrite some of the options. So as administrator, I'm just going to go to the course, and I can start changing the settings away from the default settings. So I'm just going to go to Advanced Options. And here, I can say, I don't want people to review the exam. I don't want people to see the graded answers, just the score. So you can see here, by changing the options, you are basically making your exam more and more like pre-test instead of a self-assessment. So I'm just going to go here. I'm going to reload the page with a new setting in there. You can see that now, it's very similar to a pre-test now. So as you can see, each exam can fall anywhere in the spectrum from pre-test to a self-assessment exam. So that is how it's going to work. And we're going to have another video tutorial on how to display diagnostic report if the standard report button here that displays their score is not what you want.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker explains how to customize an exam using the self-assessment method. As an administrator, they demonstrate changing the settings to create a pre-test-like experience, where participants are unable to review the exam and only see their score. By adjusting these options, exams can be tailored to fall anywhere on the spectrum between pre-test and self-assessment. The speaker mentions that a future tutorial will cover displaying a diagnostic report for those who require more specific feedback beyond just the score. No credits were mentioned for this video.
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customize exam
self-assessment method
exam settings
pre-test experience
diagnostic report
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