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Video Transcription
Here you can see I log in as a user called Adam Chicago and I'm going to search for the the course I created called Crying Baby right so I'm going to click on free and I'm going to get started and I'm going to maybe next time for the donation okay notice that I have access to discussion forum and I can also post a comment to say I think you should try clay oven there we go so there we go and then I'm going to flip back and by the way you can see that by default if you make a comment you will be following to that thread and my account over here under Thomas Wong I'm going to just refresh I will get an email actually about someone making the comment but then I can also flag it to say this is inappropriate okay and then I can go to administrator I'm sure we'll get an email but you can also go to the administrator and the click on the discussion board and that's administrator you can delete you can delete thread you can make edits whatever you want to do so this is how someone else can reply and then other people can flag the thread and the user a administrator can moderate the thread
Video Summary
The video showcases a demonstration of a user logging in as "Adam Chicago" and searching for a course called "Crying Baby." The user selects the free option and accesses the discussion forum. They leave a comment recommending trying a clay oven. The video also mentions that making a comment automatically follows the thread. The user, represented by "Thomas Wong," demonstrates refreshing their account to receive an email notification about a new comment. They can also flag comments as inappropriate. The video briefly mentions that administrators can delete threads and make edits. It concludes by discussing user replies, flagging by other users, and thread moderation by administrators. No credits were mentioned in the transcript.
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user login
course search
discussion forum
comment recommendation
email notification
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