Document Repository Extensive Admin Guide
Basic Document Repository Setup
Basic Document Repository Setup
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Video Transcription
Hello, this is the first of a series of videos on how to use document repository feature within Oasis. We are going to build an example from simple and keep toggling between the setup and the learner experience to slowly grow our example from a very basic setup to a fairly complicated setup. So with that said, we are just going to start by creating first a very, very simple document repository. Keep in mind that the main difference between document repository and the on-demand course is that the document repository does not have a finish concept in the sense that there is no finish line. So the user will have access to the document repository and cannot receive credit because they can never finish it. And also, the concept of testing or assignment or evaluation does not apply to a document repository. So what we are going to do is I am just going to say, let's call it sample document.qrepo. And some of the configuration settings, I am just going to skip over simply because that is not the focus of this particular tutorial. So when you select the feature, we will only select learning content to start simply because we are going to evolve our example to have more and more complicated features. So in the beginning, I just want a simple document repository and let's just upload five videos just so that we have some content to work with. So I am going to pause the video right now to find some videos to upload. So I end up actually uploading seven videos, but that's okay. I will just say this one is how to perform X procedure. There we go. Alright, so just some videos. The actual videos themselves obviously is not part of the demo. So now I have already uploaded the video. I am just going to publish it to show what is a very simple document repository with only five videos, what would the user experience looks like. So here we go. Alright so now I am going to open another tab where you will have a user. So there we go. You can see that this is a document repo. Notice I am not really turning on any crazy features, but you can see these are seven videos that we have uploaded. So so far, nothing crazy. If that's all you need to do to publish a product, you don't even have to watch any more videos. This step will be suffice.
Video Summary
The video is the first in a series about using the document repository feature in Oasis. The speaker explains that they will start by creating a simple document repository and gradually add more features. They mention that unlike an on-demand course, a document repository doesn't have a finish concept or testing/evaluation. The speaker then demonstrates how to create a document repository by uploading seven videos. They explain that the actual videos are not part of the demonstration. Finally, they show what the user experience looks like by opening a new tab and displaying the document repository with the uploaded videos. The video ends by saying that if publishing a product with just the uploaded videos is all that's needed, there is no need to watch more videos. No credits were granted.
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document repository feature
creating a document repository
uploading videos
user experience
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